Предыдущая серия была тут - http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2013/07/blog-post_3683.html
Расширим теперь функциональность контейнера. Добавив "стандартные" контейнерные операции.
Как всегда начнём с модели:
И код:
Расширим теперь функциональность контейнера. Добавив "стандартные" контейнерные операции.
Как всегда начнём с модели:
{$IfNDef List_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Библиотека "SandBox" // Модуль: "List.imp.pas" // Родные Delphi интерфейсы (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: Impurity::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::STLLike::List // // Абстрактный список значений // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define List_imp} PItemType = ^_ItemType_; const { Sizes } cItemSize = SizeOf(_ItemType_); type IndexType = System.Integer; _List_ = {mixin} class(_List_Parent_) {* Абстрактный список значений } private // private fields f_Data : Tl3PtrLoc; {* Собственно место хранения данных} f_Count : IndexType; {* Поле для свойства Count} private // private methods procedure ReAllocList(aNewCapacity: IndexType); procedure CheckIndex(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError {* проверяет валидность индекса и поднимает исключение, если он неправильный } function ItemSlot(anIndex: IndexType): PItemType; function ExpandSize(aTargetSize: IndexType): Cardinal; procedure CheckSetItem(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError {* Проверяет валидность индекса при вставке } procedure DirectInsert(anIndex: IndexType; const anItem: _ItemType_); {* Непосредственная вставка элемента. Без проверки валидности индекса } procedure MoveItems(aDst: IndexType; aSrc: IndexType; aSize: Cardinal); protected // property methods procedure pm_SetCount(aValue: IndexType); function pm_GetCapacity: IndexType; procedure pm_SetCapacity(aValue: IndexType); function pm_GetItems(anIndex: IndexType): _ItemType_; procedure pm_SetItems(anIndex: IndexType; const aValue: _ItemType_); function pm_GetEmpty: Boolean; function pm_GetFirst: _ItemType_; function pm_GetLast: _ItemType_; protected // overridden protected methods procedure Cleanup; override; {* Функция очистки полей объекта. } public // public methods procedure Delete(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError {* удалить элемент с индексом anIndex } procedure Insert(anIndex: IndexType; const anItem: _ItemType_); // can raise EListError {* Вставка элемента } procedure Add(const anItem: _ItemType_); {* Добавляет элемент списка } function IndexOf(const anItem: _ItemType_): IndexType; {* Возвращает индекс элемента списка или -1, если элемента в списке нет } procedure Remove(const anIndex: _ItemType_); {* Удаляет элемент из списка } procedure Clear; {* Очищает список } public // public properties property Count: IndexType read f_Count write pm_SetCount; {* Количество элементов списка } property Capacity: IndexType read pm_GetCapacity write pm_SetCapacity; {* Мощность списка } property Items[anIndex: IndexType]: _ItemType_ read pm_GetItems write pm_SetItems; default; {* Элементы списка. } property Empty: Boolean read pm_GetEmpty; {* Список пустой } property First: _ItemType_ read pm_GetFirst; {* Первый элемент списка } property Last: _ItemType_ read pm_GetLast; {* Последний элемент списка } end;//_List_ {$Else List_imp} // start class _List_ procedure _List_.ReAllocList(aNewCapacity: IndexType); //#UC START# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_Cap : Integer; l_Cnt : Integer; //#UC END# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_impl* f_Data.SetSize(aNewCapacity * cItemSize); l_Cap := Self.Capacity; Assert(l_Cap >= aNewCapacity); l_Cnt := f_Count; if (l_Cap > l_Cnt) then System.FillChar(ItemSlot(l_Cnt)^, (l_Cap - l_Cnt) * cItemSize, 0); //#UC END# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.ReAllocList procedure _List_.CheckIndex(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError //#UC START# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_var* procedure _Error; begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError + ' from (%d)', [anIndex, f_Count]) end; //#UC END# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_impl* if (anIndex < 0) or (anIndex >= f_Count) then _Error; //#UC END# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.CheckIndex function _List_.ItemSlot(anIndex: IndexType): PItemType; //#UC START# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Result := PItemType(f_Data.AsPointer + anIndex * cItemSize); assert(Result <> nil); //#UC END# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.ItemSlot function _List_.ExpandSize(aTargetSize: IndexType): Cardinal; //#UC START# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_var* const cIncrArray : array [0..3] of Integer = (64 * 1024, 1024, 128, 4); cMaxForTwice : Integer = 1 * 1024 * 1024; var I : Integer; //#UC END# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Assert(aTargetSize > 0); Result := aTargetSize; if (Result > cMaxForTwice) then // большие массивы не удваиваем а подравниваем под 1мб Result := (aTargetSize div cMaxForTwice + 1) * cMaxForTwice else begin for I := 0 to High(cIncrArray) do if (aTargetSize > cIncrArray[I]) then begin Result := (aTargetSize div cIncrArray[I]) * cIncrArray[I] * 2; Break; end;//aTargetSize > cIncrArray[I] end;//Result > cMaxForTwic //#UC END# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.ExpandSize procedure _List_.CheckSetItem(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError //#UC START# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_impl* CheckIndex(anIndex); //#UC END# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.CheckSetItem procedure _List_.DirectInsert(anIndex: IndexType; const anItem: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51E6A2AA02E4_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_Cap : Integer; l_Count : Integer; //#UC END# *51E6A2AA02E4_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6A2AA02E4_51DEB07E03E4_impl* l_Count := f_Count; l_Cap := Self.Capacity; if (l_Count >= l_Cap) then ReAllocList(ExpandSize(l_Cap + 1)); { Make room for the inserted item. } Dec(l_Count, anIndex); if (l_Count > 0) then begin MoveItems(anIndex + 1, anIndex + 0, l_Count); {$If not defined(l3Items_IsAtomic)} FillChar(PMem(ItemSlot(anIndex))^, cItemSize, 0); // - это для того, чтобы не оказалось лишней ссылки на строки и/или интерфейсы {$IfEnd} end;//l_Count > 0 FillItem(ItemSlot(anIndex)^, anItem); Inc(f_Count); {$IfDef l3Items_IsAtomic} Assert(ItemSlot(anIndex)^ = anItem); {$Else l3Items_IsAtomic} {$If (SizeOf(_ItemType_) <= 4) AND not Defined(l3Items_IsProcedured)} Assert(ItemSlot(anIndex)^ = anItem); {$IfEnd} {$EndIf l3Items_IsAtomic} //#UC END# *51E6A2AA02E4_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.DirectInsert procedure _List_.MoveItems(aDst: IndexType; aSrc: IndexType; aSize: Cardinal); //#UC START# *51E6A8190252_51DEB07E03E4_var* type PInteger = ^Integer; var l_Sz : Integer; l_S : Integer; l_D : Integer; l_B : PMem; //#UC END# *51E6A8190252_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6A8190252_51DEB07E03E4_impl* if (aSize > 0) then begin l_B := f_Data.AsPointer; l_S := aSrc * cItemSize; l_D := aDst * cItemSize; l_Sz := aSize * cItemSize; if (l_Sz = SizeOf(Integer)) then begin PInteger(l_B + l_D)^ := PInteger(l_B + l_S)^; Exit; end//l_Sz = SizeOf(Integer) else Move((l_B + l_S)^, (l_B + l_D)^, l_Sz); end;//aSize > 0 //#UC END# *51E6A8190252_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.MoveItems procedure _List_.Delete(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError //#UC START# *51E6A2660270_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_P : PItemType; //#UC END# *51E6A2660270_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6A2660270_51DEB07E03E4_impl* CheckIndex(anIndex); l_P := ItemSlot(anIndex); Dec(f_Count); FreeItem(l_P^); if (anIndex <> f_Count) then MoveItems(anIndex, Succ(anIndex), f_Count-anIndex); //#UC END# *51E6A2660270_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Delete procedure _List_.Insert(anIndex: IndexType; const anItem: _ItemType_); // can raise EListError //#UC START# *51E6A3140016_51DEB07E03E4_var* procedure _Error; begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [anIndex]); end; //#UC END# *51E6A3140016_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6A3140016_51DEB07E03E4_impl* if (anIndex < 0) or (anIndex > f_Count) then _Error; DirectInsert(anIndex, anItem) //#UC END# *51E6A3140016_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Insert procedure _List_.Add(const anItem: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51E80192036C_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *51E80192036C_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E80192036C_51DEB07E03E4_impl* DirectInsert(f_Count, anItem); //#UC END# *51E80192036C_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Add function _List_.IndexOf(const anItem: _ItemType_): IndexType; //#UC START# *51E801D503C5_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51E801D503C5_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E801D503C5_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Result := -1; // - будем пессимистами for l_Index := 0 to f_Count - 1 do begin if IsSame(ItemSlot(l_Index)^, anItem) then begin Result := l_Index; break; end;//IsSame(ItemSlot(l_Index)^, anItem) end;//for l_Index //#UC END# *51E801D503C5_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.IndexOf procedure _List_.Remove(const anIndex: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51E802290167_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51E802290167_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E802290167_51DEB07E03E4_impl* l_Index := IndexOf(anIndex); if (l_Index >= 0) then Delete(l_Index); //#UC END# *51E802290167_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Remove procedure _List_.Clear; //#UC START# *51E8026302B4_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *51E8026302B4_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E8026302B4_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Count := 0; //#UC END# *51E8026302B4_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Clear procedure _List_.pm_SetCount(aValue: IndexType); //#UC START# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_var* procedure SayBadCount(aNewCount: LongInt); begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(sListIndexError, [aNewCount]); end; var l_Ptr : PItemType; {$IfNDef l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} l_Index : Integer; {$EndIf l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} //#UC END# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* if (aValue < 0) then SayBadCount(aValue); if (aValue < f_Count) then begin l_Ptr := ItemSlot(aValue); {$IfDef l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} System.FillChar(l_Ptr^, (f_Count - 1 - aValue) * cItemSize, 0); {$Else l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} for l_Index := aValue to f_Count - 1 do begin FreeItem(l_Ptr^); Inc(PMem(l_Ptr), cItemSize); end;//for i {$EndIf l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} end//aValue < f_Count else if (aValue > Self.Capacity) then ReAllocList(ExpandSize(aValue)); if (f_Count < aValue) then System.FillChar(ItemSlot(f_Count)^, (aValue - f_Count) * cItemSize, 0); f_Count := aValue; //#UC END# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* end;//_List_.pm_SetCount function _List_.pm_GetCapacity: IndexType; //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* Result := f_Data.GetSize div cItemSize; //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetCapacity procedure _List_.pm_SetCapacity(aValue: IndexType); //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_var* procedure SayBadCap(aNewCapacity: IndexType); begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(sListIndexError, [aNewCapacity]); end; //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* if (aValue < 0) then SayBadCap(aValue); if (pm_GetCapacity <> aValue) then begin { If the list is shrinking, then update _Count for the smaller size. } if (aValue < f_Count) then Count := aValue; ReAllocList(aValue); end;//GetCapacity(Self) <> aValue //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* end;//_List_.pm_SetCapacity function _List_.pm_GetItems(anIndex: IndexType): _ItemType_; //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* CheckIndex(anIndex); Result := ItemSlot(anIndex)^; //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetItems procedure _List_.pm_SetItems(anIndex: IndexType; const aValue: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_var* {$IfNDef l3Items_IsAtomic} var l_P : PItemType; {$EndIf l3Items_IsAtomic} //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* CheckSetItem(anIndex); {$IfDef l3Items_IsAtomic} PItemType(ItemSlot(anIndex))^ := aValue; {$Else l3Items_IsAtomic} l_P := PItemType(ItemSlot(anIndex)); if not IsSame(l_P^, aValue) then begin FreeItem(l_P^); FillItem(l_P^, aValue); end;//not IsSame(l_P^, anItem) {$EndIf l3Items_IsAtomic} //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* end;//_List_.pm_SetItems function _List_.pm_GetEmpty: Boolean; //#UC START# *51E7FDAC023D_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51E7FDAC023D_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51E7FDAC023D_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* Result := (Count = 0); //#UC END# *51E7FDAC023D_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetEmpty function _List_.pm_GetFirst: _ItemType_; //#UC START# *51E8070603AC_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51E8070603AC_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51E8070603AC_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* Result := Items[0]; //#UC END# *51E8070603AC_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetFirst function _List_.pm_GetLast: _ItemType_; //#UC START# *51E8074101B5_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51E8074101B5_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51E8074101B5_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* Result := Items[f_Count - 1]; //#UC END# *51E8074101B5_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetLast procedure _List_.Cleanup; //#UC START# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Count := 0; f_Data.SetSize(0); inherited; //#UC END# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Cleanup {$EndIf List_imp}
{$IfNDef InterfacePtrList_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Библиотека "SandBox" // Модуль: "InterfacePtrList.imp.pas" // Родные Delphi интерфейсы (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: Impurity::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::STLLike::InterfacePtrList // // Список УКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ на интерфейсы. Не владеет своими элементами // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define InterfacePtrList_imp} _List_Parent_ = _InterfacePtrList_Parent_; {$Include ..\SandBox\List.imp.pas} _InterfacePtrList_ = {mixin} class(_List_) {* Список УКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ на интерфейсы. Не владеет своими элементами } end;//_InterfacePtrList_ {$Else InterfacePtrList_imp} // start class _InterfacePtrList_ procedure FillItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_; const aFrom: _ItemType_); forward; function IsSame(const A: _ItemType_; const B: _ItemType_): Boolean; forward; procedure FreeItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DEC20B01D7_51E8098001DC_var* //#UC END# *51DEC20B01D7_51E8098001DC_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEC20B01D7_51E8098001DC_impl* !!! Needs to be implemented !!! //#UC END# *51DEC20B01D7_51E8098001DC_impl* end;//FreeItem procedure FillItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_; const aFrom: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DECB440087_51E8098001DC_var* //#UC END# *51DECB440087_51E8098001DC_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECB440087_51E8098001DC_impl* !!! Needs to be implemented !!! //#UC END# *51DECB440087_51E8098001DC_impl* end;//FillItem function IsSame(const A: _ItemType_; const B: _ItemType_): Boolean; //#UC START# *51DECB820261_51E8098001DC_var* //#UC END# *51DECB820261_51E8098001DC_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECB820261_51E8098001DC_impl* !!! Needs to be implemented !!! //#UC END# *51DECB820261_51E8098001DC_impl* end;//IsSame {$Include ..\SandBox\List.imp.pas} {$EndIf InterfacePtrList_imp}
{$IfNDef InterfaceRefList_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Библиотека "SandBox" // Модуль: "InterfaceRefList.imp.pas" // Родные Delphi интерфейсы (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: Impurity::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::STLLike::InterfaceRefList // // Список Ссылок на интерфейсы. Владеет своими элементами // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define InterfaceRefList_imp} _List_Parent_ = _InterfaceRefList_Parent_; {$Include ..\SandBox\List.imp.pas} _InterfaceRefList_ = {mixin} class(_List_) {* Список Ссылок на интерфейсы. Владеет своими элементами } end;//_InterfaceRefList_ {$Else InterfaceRefList_imp} // start class _InterfaceRefList_ procedure FillItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_; const aFrom: _ItemType_); forward; function IsSame(const A: _ItemType_; const B: _ItemType_): Boolean; forward; procedure FreeItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DEC20B01D7_51E809AD001D_var* //#UC END# *51DEC20B01D7_51E809AD001D_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEC20B01D7_51E809AD001D_impl* thePlace := nil; //#UC END# *51DEC20B01D7_51E809AD001D_impl* end;//FreeItem procedure FillItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_; const aFrom: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DECB440087_51E809AD001D_var* //#UC END# *51DECB440087_51E809AD001D_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECB440087_51E809AD001D_impl* thePlace := afrom; //#UC END# *51DECB440087_51E809AD001D_impl* end;//FillItem function IsSame(const A: _ItemType_; const B: _ItemType_): Boolean; //#UC START# *51DECB820261_51E809AD001D_var* //#UC END# *51DECB820261_51E809AD001D_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECB820261_51E809AD001D_impl* Result := (A = B); //#UC END# *51DECB820261_51E809AD001D_impl* end;//IsSame {$Include ..\SandBox\List.imp.pas} {$EndIf InterfaceRefList_imp}
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