четверг, 5 февраля 2015 г.

How to find out the true size of the memory allocated for by GetMem

Original in russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/04/getmem.html

Haven’t you thought that FreeMem does NOT REQUIRE this size? This means it somehow “knows” it.

It is quite simple:
function _l3MemorySize(aP: Pointer): Longint; 
  {----------------------------Block type flags---------------------------}
  {The lower 3 bits in the dword header of small blocks (4 bits in medium and
   large blocks) are used as flags to indicate the state of the block}
  {Set if the block is not in use}
  IsFreeBlockFlag = 1;
  {Set if this is a medium block}
  IsMediumBlockFlag = 2;
  {Set if it is a medium block being used as a small block pool. Only valid if
   IsMediumBlockFlag is set.}
  IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag = 4;
  {Set if it is a large block. Only valid if IsMediumBlockFlag is not set.}
  IsLargeBlockFlag = 4;
  {Is the medium block preceding this block available?}
  PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag = 8;
  {Is this large block segmented? I.e. is it actually built up from more than
   one chunk allocated through VirtualAlloc? (Only used by large blocks.)}
  LargeBlockIsSegmented = 8;
  {The flags masks for small blocks}
  DropSmallFlagsMask = -8;
  ExtractSmallFlagsMask = 7;
  {The flags masks for medium and large blocks}
  DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask = -16;
  ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask = 15;
{------------------------------Private types------------------------------}
  {Move procedure type}
  TMoveProc = procedure(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: NativeInt);
  {-----------------------Small block structures--------------------------}
  {Pointer to the header of a small block pool}
  PSmallBlockPoolHeader = ^TSmallBlockPoolHeader;
  {Small block type (Size = 32 bytes for 32-bit, 64 bytes for 64-bit).}
  PSmallBlockType = ^TSmallBlockType;
  TSmallBlockType = record
    {True = Block type is locked}
    BlockTypeLocked: Boolean;
    {Bitmap indicating which of the first 8 medium block groups contain blocks
     of a suitable size for a block pool.}
    AllowedGroupsForBlockPoolBitmap: Byte;
    {The block size for this block type}
    BlockSize: Word;
    {The minimum and optimal size of a small block pool for this block type}
    MinimumBlockPoolSize: Word;
    OptimalBlockPoolSize: Word;
    {The first partially free pool for the given small block. This field must
     be at the same offset as TSmallBlockPoolHeader.NextPartiallyFreePool.}
    NextPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader;
    {The last partially free pool for the small block type. This field must
     be at the same offset as TSmallBlockPoolHeader.PreviousPartiallyFreePool.}
    PreviousPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader;
    {The offset of the last block that was served sequentially. The field must
     be at the same offset as TSmallBlockPoolHeader.FirstFreeBlock.}
    NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress: Pointer;
    {The last block that can be served sequentially.}
    MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress: Pointer;
    {The pool that is current being used to serve blocks in sequential order}
    CurrentSequentialFeedPool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader;
{$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines}
    {The fixed size move procedure used to move data for this block size when
     it is upsized. When a block is downsized (which usually does not occur
     that often) the variable size move routine is used.}
    UpsizeMoveProcedure: TMoveProc;
    Reserved1: Pointer;
{$if SizeOf(Pointer) = 8}
    {Pad to 64 bytes for 64-bit}
    Reserved2: Pointer;
  {Small block pool (Size = 32 bytes for 32-bit, 48 bytes for 64-bit).}
  TSmallBlockPoolHeader = record
    BlockType: PSmallBlockType;
{$if SizeOf(Pointer) <> 8}
    {Align the next fields to the same fields in TSmallBlockType and pad this
     structure to 32 bytes for 32-bit}
    Reserved1: Cardinal;
    {The next and previous pool that has free blocks of this size. Do not
     change the position of these two fields: They must be at the same offsets
     as the fields in TSmallBlockType of the same name.}
    NextPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader;
    PreviousPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader;
    {Pointer to the first free block inside this pool. This field must be at
     the same offset as TSmallBlockType.NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress.}
    FirstFreeBlock: Pointer;
    {The number of blocks allocated in this pool.}
    BlocksInUse: Cardinal;
    {Small block pool signature. Used by the leak checking mechanism to
     determine whether a medium block is a small block pool or a regular medium
    SmallBlockPoolSignature: Cardinal;
    {The pool pointer and flags of the first block}
    FirstBlockPoolPointerAndFlags: NativeUInt;
  {Small block layout:
   At offset -SizeOf(Pointer) = Flags + address of the small block pool.
   At offset BlockSize - SizeOf(Pointer) = Flags + address of the small block
   pool for the next small block.
  {------------------------Medium block structures------------------------}
  {The medium block pool from which medium blocks are drawn. Size = 16 bytes
   for 32-bit and 32 bytes for 64-bit.}
  PMediumBlockPoolHeader = ^TMediumBlockPoolHeader;
  TMediumBlockPoolHeader = record
    {Points to the previous and next medium block pools. This circular linked
     list is used to track memory leaks on program shutdown.}
    PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader;
    NextMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader;
    Reserved1: NativeUInt;
    {The block size and flags of the first medium block in the block pool}
    FirstMediumBlockSizeAndFlags: NativeUInt;
  {Medium block layout:
   Offset: -2 * SizeOf(Pointer) = Previous Block Size (only if the previous block is free)
   Offset: -SizeOf(Pointer) = This block size and flags
   Offset: 0 = User data / Previous Free Block (if this block is free)
   Offset: SizeOf(Pointer) = Next Free Block (if this block is free)
   Offset: BlockSize - 2*SizeOf(Pointer) = Size of this block (if this block is free)
   Offset: BlockSize - SizeOf(Pointer) = Size of the next block and flags
  {A medium block that is unused}
  PMediumFreeBlock = ^TMediumFreeBlock;
  TMediumFreeBlock = record
    PreviousFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock;
    NextFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock;
  {-------------------------Large block structures------------------------}
  {Large block header record (Size = 16 for 32-bit, 32 for 64-bit)}
  PLargeBlockHeader = ^TLargeBlockHeader;
  TLargeBlockHeader = record
    {Points to the previous and next large blocks. This circular linked
     list is used to track memory leaks on program shutdown.}
    PreviousLargeBlockHeader: PLargeBlockHeader;
    NextLargeBlockHeader: PLargeBlockHeader;
    {The user allocated size of the Large block}
    UserAllocatedSize: NativeUInt;
    {The size of this block plus the flags}
    BlockSizeAndFlags: NativeUInt;
{---------------------------Private constants-----------------------------}
  {The size of the block header in front of small and medium blocks}
  BlockHeaderSize = SizeOf(Pointer);
  {The size of a small block pool header}
  SmallBlockPoolHeaderSize = SizeOf(TSmallBlockPoolHeader);
  {The size of a medium block pool header}
  MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize = SizeOf(TMediumBlockPoolHeader);
  {The size of the header in front of Large blocks}
  LargeBlockHeaderSize = SizeOf(TLargeBlockHeader);
function _l3MemorySize(aP: Pointer): Longint;
lBlockHeader: Cardinal;
LPSmallBlockType: PSmallBlockType;
LOldAvailableSize: Cardinal;
if (aP = nil) then
  Result := 0
{Get the block header: Is it actually a small block?}
  LBlockHeader := PNativeUInt(PByte(aP) - BlockHeaderSize)^;
  {Is it a small block that is in use?}
  if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsMediumBlockFlag or IsLargeBlockFlag) = 0 then
    {----------------------------Small block------------------------------}
    {The block header is a pointer to the block pool: Get the block type}
    LPSmallBlockType := PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LBlockHeader).BlockType;
    {Get the available size inside blocks of this type.}
    Result := LPSmallBlockType.BlockSize - BlockHeaderSize;
    {Is this a medium block or a large block?}
    if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsLargeBlockFlag) = 0 then
     Result:= (LBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - BlockHeaderSize;
      {Is this a valid large block?}
      if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsMediumBlockFlag) = 0 then
        {-----------------------Large block------------------------------}
        {Get the block header}
        //LBlockHeader := PNativeUInt(PByte(aP) - BlockHeaderSize)^;
        {Subtract the overhead to determine the useable size in the large block.}
        Result := (LBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - (LargeBlockHeaderSize + BlockHeaderSize);
        {-----------------------Invalid block------------------------------}
        {Bad pointer: probably an attempt to reallocate a free memory block.}
        Result := 0;
  cThisUsedFlag = 2;
  cPrevFreeFlag = 1;
  cFillerFlag   = Integer($80000000);
  cFlags        = cThisUsedFlag or cPrevFreeFlag or cFillerFlag;
  PUsed = ^TUsed;
  TUsed = packed record
    sizeFlags: Integer;
function _l3MemorySize(aP: Pointer): Longint; 
 if (aP = nil) then
  Result := 0
  Result := PUsed(PAnsiChar(aP)-SizeOf(TUsed)).sizeFlags and not cFlags - sizeof(TUsed);
//  Result := (PLong(Long(aP) - 4)^ AND not cFlags) - 4;
{$EndIf XE}

Why do we need it? You’d ask… So that not to store Capacity. We’re being “penny wise”. May be I will get to the theme “my micro-STL for Delphi”, where it would be highlighted.

Disclaimer. This code was written not only by me, it was taken from standard library. The colleague helped me to make it out. If I infringe somebody’s copyright, I’ll delete this post.

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