Original in Russian: http://programmingmindstream.blogspot.com/2014/05/61.html
Table of contents
In the previous chapter, we have moved from GUI-testing to testing of business logic by defining business-logic class TCalculator.
In this article, we’ll discuss and implement “Testing using etalons”… Testing using etalons is based on tests from the previous chapter. However, it performs an important function I’ll tell about later. Cutting it short, using etalons means saving the values and results of test into a file that is afterwards compared with the etalon. If files do not coincide, test fails. A question arises, where do we get etalon file? We have two options: either we create it with our own hands or (as I did), if etalon does not exist, we create it automatically basing on the test result file, since we assume that our tests are correct a fortiori.
I’ll try to explain in details using the example of writing the etalon test for the operation + or, as we’ve named it in our calculator, function ADD.
To begin with, we write a new class TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest, which looks much like the previous class TCalculatorOperationTest. But, this time we do not check the coincidence with the etalon file instead of the logic.
In order to save the results of testing into the file and compare it to the etalon, we introduce one more class TLogger that will be used through global variable g_Logger.
Thus, after executing the test for the first time we get two resulting files:
- TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTestTestAdd.out, file to form “our test”
- TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTestTestAdd.etalon, file that became (once more, we assume our tests are correct) the etalon. We merged the etalon to GIT.
The format of .out and .etalon files for “Plus” operation:
5 – the first argument
10 – the second argument
15 – the result
The whole code of a new class TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest:
Finally, the most interesting – why we actually need etalon tests.
1. Since etalon test is committed in GIT we can always check if something gets wrong while introducing some changes.
2. The “most” important. In large teams work is divided between developers and testers. If logic of an application changes, for example, Plus function sums 2 figures and adds 8 instead of just summing 2 figures as before the changes have took place, then we face this fact.
Now, when we run our testing it will look as follows:
It means all our tests of “Plus” failed. As a result, developer has to redo 3 tests. However, let’s just try to correct the etalon.
We had:
5 10 15
We have:
The result:
As you can see, tests with etalons have passed successfully. It means, when changing logic of an application testers also can introduce changes to tests WITHOUT HAVING to change the source code. This enables a very flexible use.
While writing the article I tried to find the discovering of the theme in RuNet. It is not developed in RuNet, but a similar approach to testing is described by Kernighan and Pike in the chapter about testing. Though, they offer to measure test executing time and efficiency while running. We’ll come down to it in our coming articles.
Table of contents
In the previous chapter, we have moved from GUI-testing to testing of business logic by defining business-logic class TCalculator.
In this article, we’ll discuss and implement “Testing using etalons”… Testing using etalons is based on tests from the previous chapter. However, it performs an important function I’ll tell about later. Cutting it short, using etalons means saving the values and results of test into a file that is afterwards compared with the etalon. If files do not coincide, test fails. A question arises, where do we get etalon file? We have two options: either we create it with our own hands or (as I did), if etalon does not exist, we create it automatically basing on the test result file, since we assume that our tests are correct a fortiori.
I’ll try to explain in details using the example of writing the etalon test for the operation + or, as we’ve named it in our calculator, function ADD.
To begin with, we write a new class TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest, which looks much like the previous class TCalculatorOperationTest. But, this time we do not check the coincidence with the etalon file instead of the logic.
type TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest = class(TTestCase) published procedure TestDiv; procedure TestMul; procedure TestAdd; procedure TestSub; end;//TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest procedure TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest.TestAdd; var x1, x2 : string; begin x1:= cA; x2:= cB; CheckTrue(AddArgumentsToLog(g_Logger, x1, x2, TCalculator.Add(x2, x1), Self)); end;
In order to save the results of testing into the file and compare it to the etalon, we introduce one more class TLogger that will be used through global variable g_Logger.
unit Tests.Logger; interface uses TestFrameWork; const cEtalonSuffix = '.etalon'; cTestSuffix = '.out'; cTestFolder = 'TestSet'; type TLogger = class strict private FTestFile : TextFile; FTestFilePath, FEtalonFilePath : string; private function TestOutputFolderPath: string; function Is2FilesEqual(const aFilePathTest, aFilePathEtalon: string): Boolean; function IsExistEtalonFile: Boolean; public class constructor Create; class destructor Destroy; procedure OpenTest(aTestCase: TTestCase); procedure ToLog(const aParametr: string); function CheckWithEtalon: Boolean; end;//TLogger var g_Logger : TLogger; implementation uses SysUtils, System.Classes, Winapi.Windows; { TLogger } function TLogger.CheckWithEtalon: Boolean; begin Assert(FTestFilePath<>''); Assert(FEtalonFilePath<>''); CloseFile(FTestFile); if IsExistEtalonFile then Result := Is2FilesEqual(FTestFilePath, FEtalonFilePath) else Result := CopyFile(PWideChar(FTestFilePath),PWideChar(FEtalonFilePath),True); end; class destructor TLogger.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(g_Logger); end; class constructor TLogger.Create; begin g_Logger := TLogger.Create; end; function TLogger.Is2FilesEqual(const aFilePathTest, aFilePathEtalon: string): Boolean; var l_msFileTest, l_msFileEtalon: TMemoryStream; begin Result := False; l_msFileTest := TMemoryStream.Create; try l_msFileTest.LoadFromFile(aFilePathTest); l_msFileEtalon := TMemoryStream.Create; try l_msFileEtalon.LoadFromFile(aFilePathEtalon); if l_msFileTest.Size = l_msFileEtalon.Size then Result := CompareMem(l_msFileTest.Memory, l_msFileEtalon.memory, l_msFileTest.Size); finally FreeAndNil(l_msFileEtalon); end; finally FreeAndNil(l_msFileTest); end end; function TLogger.IsExistEtalonFile: Boolean; begin Result:= FileExists(FEtalonFilePath); end; procedure TLogger.OpenTest(aTestCase: TTestCase); var l_FileName : string; begin l_FileName := aTestCase.ClassName + aTestCase.GetName; FTestFilePath := TestOutputFolderPath + l_FileName + cTestSuffix; FEtalonFilePath := TestOutputFolderPath + l_FileName + cEtalonSuffix; if not DirectoryExists(TestOutputFolderPath) then ForceDirectories(TestOutputFolderPath); AssignFile(FTestFile, FTestFilePath); Rewrite(FTestFile); end; function TLogger.TestOutputFolderPath: string; begin Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + cTestFolder + '\' end; procedure TLogger.ToLog(const aParametr: string); begin Writeln(FTestFile, aParametr + ' '); end; end.
Thus, after executing the test for the first time we get two resulting files:
- TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTestTestAdd.out, file to form “our test”
- TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTestTestAdd.etalon, file that became (once more, we assume our tests are correct) the etalon. We merged the etalon to GIT.
The format of .out and .etalon files for “Plus” operation:
5 – the first argument
10 – the second argument
15 – the result
The whole code of a new class TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest:
unit CalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest; interface uses TestFrameWork, Calculator ; type TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest = class(TTestCase) published procedure TestDiv; procedure TestMul; procedure TestAdd; procedure TestSub; end;//TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest implementation uses SysUtils, Tests.Logger; const cA = '5'; cB = '10'; { TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest } function AddArgumentsToLog(aLogger: TLogger; aX1, aX2, aResult: string; aTestCase: TTestCase): Boolean; begin aLogger.OpenTest(aTestCase); aLogger.ToLog(aX1); aLogger.ToLog(aX2); aLogger.ToLog(aResult); Result := aLogger.CheckWithEtalon; end; procedure TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest.TestDiv; var x1, x2 : string; begin x1:= cA; x2:= cB; CheckTrue(AddArgumentsToLog(g_Logger, x1, x2, TCalculator.Divide(x2, x1), Self)); end; procedure TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest.TestSub; var x1, x2 : string; begin x1:= cA; x2:= cB; CheckTrue(AddArgumentsToLog(g_Logger, x1, x2, TCalculator.Sub(x2, x1), Self)); end; procedure TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest.TestMul; var x1, x2 : string; begin x1:= cA; x2:= cB; CheckTrue(AddArgumentsToLog(g_Logger, x1, x2, TCalculator.Mul(x2, x1), Self)); end; procedure TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest.TestAdd; var x1, x2 : string; begin x1:= cA; x2:= cB; CheckTrue(AddArgumentsToLog(g_Logger, x1, x2, TCalculator.Add(x2, x1), Self)); end; initialization TestFramework.RegisterTest(TCalculatorOperationViaEtalonTest.Suite); end.
Finally, the most interesting – why we actually need etalon tests.
1. Since etalon test is committed in GIT we can always check if something gets wrong while introducing some changes.
2. The “most” important. In large teams work is divided between developers and testers. If logic of an application changes, for example, Plus function sums 2 figures and adds 8 instead of just summing 2 figures as before the changes have took place, then we face this fact.
class function TCalculator.Add(const A, B: string): string; var x1, x2, x3 : single; begin x1 := StrToFloat(A); x2 := StrToFloat(B); x3 := x1 + x2 + 8; Result := FloatToStr(x3); end;
Now, when we run our testing it will look as follows:
It means all our tests of “Plus” failed. As a result, developer has to redo 3 tests. However, let’s just try to correct the etalon.
We had:
5 10 15
We have:
The result:
As you can see, tests with etalons have passed successfully. It means, when changing logic of an application testers also can introduce changes to tests WITHOUT HAVING to change the source code. This enables a very flexible use.
While writing the article I tried to find the discovering of the theme in RuNet. It is not developed in RuNet, but a similar approach to testing is described by Kernighan and Pike in the chapter about testing. Though, they offer to measure test executing time and efficiency while running. We’ll come down to it in our coming articles.
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