Original in Russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/11/gui_4.html
GUI-testing. Table of contents
We’ll try to follow up.
Let's try to work with focused control and, for example, input text to it.
This can be done in different ways.
For example, through the emulation of buttons pressing or setting the property Caption/Text.
Both ways worth considering and serve different purposes.
Emulation of buttons pressing checks how control processes keyboard input. The direct setting of property allows to manage the state of control in order to check the further business logic of the application.
These are the different levels of testing. May be I’ll tell about testing levels later.
Meanwhile, we’ll implement the words of testing engine to work with controls.
Now, we’ll write test:
The test does what it is supposed to do – it finds the focused control and assigns the specified text to it.
Now, we write auxiliary word:
Now, we can rewrite the test in this way:
Again, it is “quite similar” to the fragment of TestCase.
“As a final treat” we’ll implement the word for emulation of pressing the keyboard button in focused control.
We’ll need it afterwards.
That’s the word:
Now, we’ll write the test:
And again we’ll write “auxiliary word”:
Then, the test may be rewritten in this way:
Again – close to “the spoken style”.
It seems to me that such “code” is readable and executable.
I think we’ll close here for now.
GUI-testing. Table of contents
We’ll try to follow up.
Let's try to work with focused control and, for example, input text to it.
This can be done in different ways.
For example, through the emulation of buttons pressing or setting the property Caption/Text.
Both ways worth considering and serve different purposes.
Emulation of buttons pressing checks how control processes keyboard input. The direct setting of property allows to manage the state of control in order to check the further business logic of the application.
These are the different levels of testing. May be I’ll tell about testing levels later.
Meanwhile, we’ll implement the words of testing engine to work with controls.
interface TkwFocusedControl = class(TscriptKeyWord) protected procedure DoIt(aContext : TscripContext); override; end;//TkwFocusedControl TkwEditSetText = class(TscriptKeyWord) protected procedure DoIt(aContext : TscripContext); override; end;//TkwEditSetText implementation procedure TkwFocusedControl.DoIt(aContext : TscripContext); var l_Control : TControl; begin l_Control := FindControl(Windows.GetFocus); Assert(l_Control <> nil); aContext.PushObject(l_Control); end; procedure TkwEditSetText.DoIt(aContext : TscripContext); var l_Text : String; l_Control : TControl; begin l_Control := aContext.PopObject; l_Text := aContext.PopString; Assert(l_Control Is TEdit); (l_Control As TEdit).Text := l_Text; // - this could be done using RTTI, but we do it straight end; initialization ScriptEngine.RegisterWord(TkwFocusedControl, 'FocusedControl'); ScriptEngine.RegisterWord(TkwEditSetText, 'EditSetText');
Now, we’ll write test:
OBJECT VAR l_Control FocusedControl =: l_Control 'Text' l_Control EditSetText
The test does what it is supposed to do – it finds the focused control and assigns the specified text to it.
Now, we write auxiliary word:
PROCEDURE "Assign the text to the current control" STRING IN aText OBJECT VAR l_Control FocusedControl =: l_Control aText l_Control EditSetText END //" Assign the text "
Now, we can rewrite the test in this way:
" Assign the text {('Text')} to the current control"
Again, it is “quite similar” to the fragment of TestCase.
“As a final treat” we’ll implement the word for emulation of pressing the keyboard button in focused control.
We’ll need it afterwards.
That’s the word:
interface TkwKey = class(TscriptKeyWord) {* Pressing the button on keyboard. The example: [code] PROCEDURE "Press" STRING IN aString aString Key END // "Press" [code] } protected // realized methods procedure DoIt(aContext: TscriptContext); override; end;//TkwKey implementation procedure TkwKey.DoIt(aContext: TscriptContext); type TSS = ssShift..ssDouble; const cMap : array [TSS] of Integer = (VK_Shift, VK_MENU, VK_Control, 0, 0, 0, 0); var l_SC : TShortCut; l_K : Word; l_Shift: TShiftState; l_ShiftToCheck: TShiftState; l_H : THandle; l_KeyState: TKeyboardState; l_NewKeyState: TKeyboardState; I : Integer; l_SS : TSS; l_AltOnly : Boolean; l_Alt : Boolean; begin l_H := GetFocus; l_SC := TextToShortCut(aContext.PopString); Assert(l_SC <> 0); ShortCutToKey(l_SC, l_K, l_Shift); l_ShiftToCheck := l_Shift; l_AltOnly := false; l_Alt := false; l_Alt := ssAlt in l_ShiftToCheck; GetKeyboardState(l_KeyState); try for I := Low(l_NewKeyState) to High(l_NewKeyState) do l_NewKeyState[I] := 0; for l_SS := Low(l_SS) to High(l_SS) do begin if (l_SS in l_Shift) then begin if (cMap[l_SS] <> 0) then begin l_ShiftToCheck := l_ShiftToCheck - [l_SS]; l_NewKeyState[cMap[l_SS]] := $81; SetKeyboardState(l_NewKeyState); if (cMap[l_SS] = vk_Menu) then begin //PostMessage(l_H, WM_KEYDOWN, cMap[l_SS], $20380001); end//cMap[l_SS] = vk_Menu else PostMessage(l_H, WM_KEYDOWN, cMap[l_SS], $1510001); ProcessMessages; end;//cMap[l_SS] <> 0 end;//l_SS in l_Shift end;//for l_SS Assert(l_ShiftToCheck = []); l_NewKeyState[l_K] := $81; SetKeyboardState(l_NewKeyState); if l_AltOnly then begin SendMessage(l_H, WM_SYSCHAR, l_K, 0); end//l_AltOnly else begin if l_Alt then PostMessage(l_H, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, l_K, $20170001) else PostMessage(l_H, WM_KEYDOWN, l_K, $1510001); ProcessMessages; if l_Alt then PostMessage(l_H, WM_SYSKEYUP, l_K, $E0170001) else PostMessage(l_H, WM_KEYUP, l_K, $1510001); ProcessMessages; end;//l_AltOnly for l_SS := Low(l_SS) to High(l_SS) do begin if (l_SS in l_Shift) then begin if (cMap[l_SS] <> 0) then begin if (cMap[l_SS] = vk_Menu) then begin //PostMessage(l_H, WM_KEYUP, cMap[l_SS], $C0380001); end//cMap[l_SS] = vk_Menu else PostMessage(l_H, WM_KEYUP, cMap[l_SS], $1510001); ProcessMessages; end;//cMap[l_SS] <> 0 end;//l_SS in l_Shift end;//for l_SS finally SetKeyboardState(l_KeyState); end;//try..finally end;//TkwKey.DoIt initialization ScriptEngine.RegisterKeyWord(TkwKey, 'Key');
Now, we’ll write the test:
'Enter' Key 'Tab' Key 'Shift-Tab' Key
And again we’ll write “auxiliary word”:
PROCEDURE "Press" STRING IN aString aString Key END // "Press"
Then, the test may be rewritten in this way:
"Press {('Enter')}" "Press {('Tab')}" "Press {('Shift-Tab')}"
Again – close to “the spoken style”.
It seems to me that such “code” is readable and executable.
I think we’ll close here for now.
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