понедельник, 12 октября 2015 г.

#823. DSL hardcore

Original in Russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/04/dsl.html

Some people concentrate on “code self-descriptiveness”. They are quite right. I have not yet thought up ways or recommendations which I could describe. I can only say trivial things like "the function name has to represent what it does".

I will give practical findings on the topic.

There is a file below that parses the input stream and composes the other one. (Full text is here - https://www.box.com/s/p7dzynlw7d9klk2gwez1)

Since it is kind of “self-descriptive”, I’ll reserve my comments.


: "Do nothing"
; // "Do nothing"

: log
; // log

WORDWORKER "begins with" W-STRING IN aStr
 WordToWork DO aStr WString:Starts
; // "begins with"

// InitedVarProducer VAR-I

: "Parse MDA templates"

 ARRAY "Processed files"

 FORWARD "Process file"

 : "Process file" STRING IN "Input the file name"

  "Processed files" "Input the file name" array:HasText ? (
   [[ 'duplicated: ' "Input the file name" ' skipped' ]] strings:Cat log
  ) // "Processed files" "Input the file name" array:HasString ?
  "Input the file name" >>>[] "Processed files"

  STRING VAR "Input the file path"
  "Input the file name" sysutils:ExtractFilePath =: "Input the file path"
  "Input the file path" log

  VAR "Output the file name" 
  "Input the file name" '.script' Cat =: "Output the file name"
  CONST "Space" ' '
  CONST "Blank string" ''
  CONST "Quote" ''''
  CONST "Opening bracket" '('
  CONST "Closing bracket" ')'
  CONST "Comma" ','
  CONST "Per cent mark" '%'
  CONST "Special symbols" '\%[]{}<>#()'
  CONST "Numbers" '1234567890'
  CONST "Separation symbol for stereotype parts" '::'
  STRING VAR "Disc name"
  "Output the file name" sysutils:ExtractFileDrive =: "Disc name"
  '\' string:SplitTo! "Output the file name"
  "Disc name" ?== 'Disc name not defined in file name' ASSERTS
  [[ "Disc name" '\NewSchool\' "Output the file name" ]] strings:Cat =: "Output the file name"
  "Output the file name" log
  STRING VAR "Output the file path"
  "Output the file name" sysutils:ExtractFilePath =: "Output the file path"
  "Output the file path" log
  "Output the file path" sysutils:ForceDirectories 'Failed to create directories' ASSERTS
  //script:FileName sysutils:ExtractFileName "Blank string"  "Space" Cat "Output the file name" sysutils:ExtractFileName Cat =: "Output the file name"
  FILE VAR "Input the file"
  "Input the file name" file:OpenRead =: "Input the file"
   FILE VAR "Output the file"
   "Output the file name" file:OpenWrite =: "Output the file"
    W-STRING VAR "Current string of the input file"
    : "Blank string"
     "Current string of the input file" WString:IsNil
    ; // "Blank string"
    WORDWORKER "string begins with"
     VAR l_Begin
     WordToWork DO =: l_Begin
     "Current string of the input file" "begins with" l_Begin
    ; // "string begins with"
    WORDWORKER "string equals"
     VAR l_EQ
     WordToWork DO =: l_EQ
     "Current string of the input file" l_EQ ?==
    ; // "String begins with"
     BOOLEAN VAR "Storing Blank string"
     BOOLEAN VAR "Quote added"
     : "Output the string"
      "Output the file" file:WriteStr
     ; // "Output the string"
     : "Output the quote"
      "Quote" "Output the string"
     ; // "Output the quote"
     : "Close the quote, if there was one"
      "Quote added" ? (
       "Output the quote"
       false =: "Quote added"
      ) // "Quote added" ?
     ; // "Close the quote, if there was one"
     : "Output Space"
      "Space" "Output the string"
     ; // "Output Space"
     : "Reset stored string without skipping"
      "Storing Blank string" ! ? (
       "Close the quote, if there was one"
       "Output Space" 
       true =: "Storing blank string"
       false =: "Quote added"
      ) // "Storing string" string:Len !=0 ?
     ; // "Reset stored string without skipping"
     BOOLEAN VAR "Space added"
     : "Skip the string"
      "Close the quote, if there was one"
      "Blank string" "Output the file" file:WriteLn
      false =: "Space added"
      "Quote added" ! 'Quote appears to be not closed' ASSERTS 
      //false =: "Quote added"
     ; // "Skip the string"
     : "Reset stored string"
      "Storing blank string" ! ? (
       "Close the quote, if there was one"
       "Skip the string"
       true =: "Storing blank string"
      ) // "Storing string" string:Len !=0 ?
     ; // "Reset stored string"
     : "Reset stored string, so Quote does not move to the other string by accident"
      "Reset stored string"
     ; // "Reset stored string, so Quote does not move to the other string by accident"
     : "Output the string unchanged"
      "Current string of the input file" "Output the file" file:WriteWStrLn
     ; // "Output the string unchanged"
     : "Add to string / and Output"
      "Reset stored string, so Quote does not move to the other string by accident"
      '/' "Output the string"
      "Output the string unchanged"
     ; // "Add to string / and Output"
     : "Output the string as a commentary so to compare in the resulting file"
      "Reset stored string, so Quote does not move to the other string by accident"
      "Space added"  ? "Skip the string"
      '//' "Output the string"
      "Output the string unchanged"
      false =: "Space added"
     ; // "Output the string as a commentary so to compare in the resulting file"
     BOOLEAN VAR "Stereotype opened" 
      false =: "Stereotype opened"
     STRING VAR "Stereotype name"
      "Blank string" =: "Stereotype name" 
     STRING VAR "Stereotype class name"
      "Blank string" =: "Stereotype class name" 
     STRING VAR "Substereotype name"
      "Blank string" =: "Substereotype name" 
     STRING VAR "Substereotype class name"
      "Blank string" =: "Substereotype class name" 
     STRING VAR "Sub-substereotype name"
      "Blank string" =: "Sub-substereotype name" 
     STRING VAR "Sub-substereotype class name"
      "Blank string" =: "Sub-substereotype class name"
     BOOLEAN VAR "Function opened"
      false =: "Function opened" 
     STRING VAR "Function name"
      "Blank string" =: "Function name"
     BOOLEAN VAR "Transformer opened"
      false =: "Transformer opened" 
     STRING VAR "Transformer name"
      "Blank string" =: "Transformer name"
     BOOLEAN VAR "Generator opened"
      false =: "Generator opened"
     STRING VAR "Generator name"
      "Blank string" =: "Generator name"
     CONST Separation symbols ' '
     CONST "Double Quote" '"'
     CONST "Self parameter" ' OBJECT IN %S'
     CONST "Function closing bracket" '; // '
     CONST "Open the stereotype bracket" '<<'
     CONST "Close the stereotype bracket" '>>'
     CONST "Tabulation" #9
     : "Output the string with skipping"
      "Output the string"
      "Skip the string"
     ; // "Output the string with skipping"
     : "Output source string"
      "Current string of the input file" "Output the file" file:WriteWStr
     ; // "Output source string"
     : "Write Stereotype name"
      "Substereotype name" string:Len !=0 IF
       ':: ' "Output the string"
       "Stereotype name" "Output the string"
       "Space" "Output the string"
       "Substereotype name" "Output the string"
       "Sub-substereotype name" string:Len !=0 IF
        "Space" "Output the string"
        "Sub-substereotype name" "Output the string"
       ENDIF // "Sub-substereotype name" string:Len !=0 IF
       ' ;' "Output the string"
       "Stereotype name" "Output the string"
      ENDIF //  "Substereotype name" string:Len !=0
      "Skip the string"
     ; // "Write Stereotype name"
     : "Write Function name"
      "Function name" "Output the string"
     ; // "Write Function name"
     : "Write Transformer name"
      "Transformer name" "Output the string"
     ; // "Write Transformer name"
     : "Write Generator name"
      "Generator name" "Output the string"
     ; // "Write Generator name"
     FORWARD "Close nested definitions"
     : "Close the stereotype"
      "Stereotype opened" ?
        "Close nested definitions"
        'end. // ' "Output the string" 
        "Write Stereotype name"
        "Skip the string"
       ) // "Stereotype opened" ?
      false =: "Stereotype opened"
     ; // "Close the stereotype"
     INTEGER VAR "Space"
     INTEGER VAR "Number of opened IF"
     INTEGER VAR "Number of opened cycles"
     INTEGER VAR "Number of opened brackets of function parameters"
     : "Close all brackets"
      0 =: "Space"
      0 =: "Number of opened IF"
      0 =: "Number of opened cycles"
      0 =: "Number of opened brackets of function parameters"
      "Close nested definitions"
      "Close the stereotype"
     ; // "Close all brackets"
     : "Quote Stereotype name"
      Separation symbols "Stereotype name" string:HasAnyOf ? (
       [[ "Double Quote" "Stereotype name" "Double Quote" ]]
        strings:Cat =: "Stereotype name"
      "Stereotype class name" 'MDAGenerator' ?!= ? (
       [[ "Open the stereotype bracket" "Stereotype name" "Close the stereotype bracket" ]] 
        strings:Cat =: "Stereotype name"
     ; // "Quote Stereotype name"
     : "Quote Substereotype name"
      "Substereotype name" string:Len !=0 ? (
       Separation symbols "Substereotype name" string:HasAnyOf ? (
        [[ "Double Quote" "Substereotype name" "Double Quote" ]]
         strings:Cat =: "Substereotype name"
       ) // Separation symbols "Substereotype name" string:HasAnyOf ?
       // "Stereotype class name" 'MDAGenerator' ?!= 
       true ? (
        [[ "Open the stereotype bracket" "Substereotype name" "Close the stereotype bracket" ]] 
         strings:Cat =: "Substereotype name"
       ) // true ?
      ) // "Substereotype name" string:Len !=0 ?
     ; // "Quote Substereotype name"
     : "Open the stereotype"
      "Stereotype opened" ! ? (
        'implementation @ ' "Output the string"
        "Write Stereotype name"
        true =: "Stereotype opened"
      ) // "Stereotype opened" !
     ; // "Open the stereotype"
     : "Parse the header of stereotype"
      "Close the stereotype"
      2 WString:+! "Current string of the input the file"
      "Current string of the input file" WString:ToString =: "Stereotype name"
      "Stereotype name" "Separation symbol for stereotype parts" string:Split
      =: "Stereotype class name"
      =: "Stereotype name"
      "Stereotype class name" "Separation symbol for stereotype parts" string:Split
      =: "Substereotype name"
      =: "Stereotype class name"
      "Substereotype name" "Separation symbol for stereotype parts" string:Split
      =: "Substereotype class name"
      =: "Substereotype name"
      "Substereotype class name" "Separation symbol for stereotype parts" string:Split
      =: "Sub-substereotype name"
      =: "Substereotype class name"
      "Quote Stereotype name"
      "Quote Substereotype name"
      "Open the stereotype"
     ; // "Parse the header of stereotype"
     : "Close function"
      "Function opened" ? ( "Function closing bracket" "Output the string" "Write function name" 
      "Skip the string"
      "Skip the string"
      false =: "Function opened"
     ; // "Close function"
     : "Close transformer"
      "Transformer opened" ? ( "Function closing bracket" "Output the string" "Write transformer name" 
      "Skip the string"
      "Skip the string"
      false =: "Transformer opened"
     ; // "Close transformer"
     : "Close generator"
      "Generator opened" ? ( "Function closing bracket" "Output the string" "Write generator name" 
      "Skip the string"
      "Skip the string"
      false =: "Generator opened"
     ; // "Close generator"
//     : "Any nested definition opened"
//      "Function opened" %|| 
//      "Transformer opened" %|| 
//      "Generator opened"
//     ; // "Any nested definition opened"
     : "Close nested definitions"
      "Close generator"
      "Close function"
      "Close transformer"
      false =: "Space added"
     ; // "Close nested definitions"
     : "Write the function parameters" BOOLEAN IN aGlobal
      "Self parameter" "Output the string"
     ; // "Write the function parameters"
     : "Write the transformer parameters" BOOLEAN IN aGlobal
      "Self parameter" "Output the string"
     ; // "Write the transformer parameters"
     : "Parse the header of the function" BOOLEAN IN aGlobal
      "Close nested definitions"
      aGlobal IF
       "Close the stereotype"
       "Open the stereotype"
      aGlobal IF
       2 WString:+! "Current string of the input file"
       // - cut f
       3 WString:+! "Current string of the input file"
       // - cut %f
      "String begins with" '_' ? WString:++! "Current string of the input file"
      // - cut underlining
      "Current string of the input file" WString:ToString =: "Function name"
      // - get the name of the current function
      ': ' "Output the string"
      "Write Function name"
      aGlobal "Write the function parameters"
      "Skip the string"
      true =: "Function opened"
     ; // "Parse the header of the function"
     : "Parse the header of the transformer" IN aGlobal
      "Close nested definitions"
      aGlobal IF
       "Close the stereotype"
       "Open the stereotype"
      aGlobal IF
       2 WString:+! "Current string of the input file"
       // - cut t
       3 WString:+! "Current string of the input file"
       // - cut %t
      "string begins with" '_' ? WString:++! "Current string of the input file"
      // - cut underlining
      "Current string of the input file" WString:ToString =: "Transformer name"
      // - get the name of the current transformer
      '<> ' "Output the string"
      "Write Transformer name"
      aGlobal "Write the transformer parameters"
      "Skip the string"
      true =: "Transformer opened"
     ; // "Parse the header of the transformer"
     : "Parse the header of the stereotype function"
      false "Parse the header of the function"
     ; // "Parse the header of the stereotype function"
     : "Parse the header of the global function"
      true "Parse the header of the function"
     ; // "Parse the header of the global function"
     : "Parse the header of the stereotype transformer"
      false "Parse the header of the transformer"
     ; // "Parse the header of the stereotype transformer"
     : "Parse the header of the global transformer"
      true "Parse the header of the transformer"
     ; // "Parse the header of the global transformer"
     : "Write generator parameters"
      "Self parameter" "Output the string"
     ; // "Write generator parameters"
     : "Parse the header of the generator"
      "Close nested definitions"
      2 WString:+! "Current string of the input file"
      "Current string of the input file" WString:ToString =: "Generator name"
      "Open the stereotype"
      '<> ' "Output the string"
      "Write Generator name"
      "Write generator parameters"
      "Skip the string"
      true =: "Generator opened"
     ; // "Parse the header of the generator"
     BOOLEAN FUNCTION "Process meaningless strings" BOOLEAN IN "String skipping needed"
      : "Output the commentary from the source file"
       "Reset stored string, so Quote does not move to the other string by accident"
       "String skipping needed" IF
        "Skip the string"
        "Space added"  ? "Skip the string"
       ENDIF // "String skipping needed"
       "Output the string unchanged"
      ; // "Output the commentary from the source file"
      : "Indicate the failure"
       false =: Result
      ; // "Indicate the failure"
      true =: Result
      // - let’s be optimistic
       "Blank string"
         "Close the quote, if there was one"
         "String skipping needed" ? "Skip the string"
         "Output the string unchanged"
        ) // "Blank string"
       "string begins with" '//#UC END# *'
         "Output the commentary from the source file"
         "Close nested definitions"
          // - since, most probably, function, transformer or generator ended
       "String begins with" '//'
        "Output the commentary from the source file"
       "String begins with" '/'
         "String skipping needed" ? "Skip the string"
         "Add to string / and Output"
        ) // "String begins with" '/'
        "Indicate the failure"
      ; // RULES
     ; // "Process meaningless strings"
     : "Process meaningless strings without skipping the previous string"
      false "Process meaningless strings"
     ; // "Process meaningless strings without skipping the previous string"

Full text is here - https://www.box.com/s/p7dzynlw7d9klk2gwez1

I do not insist on using it all “cut and dried”, moreover, made by me, it would not be requested. I only try to share one of the possible approaches to the “self-descriptive code” and using languages oriented to the domain areas of the solved problems (DSL) instead of high-level general-purpose languages.

Try to think in this string. May be you will like it.

Corresponding topic - http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2013/04/forth-vs-lisp.html

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