Original in Russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/05/blog-post_7718.html
unit afwLongProcessVisualizer; interface uses afwInterfaces, l3Base, l3AsincMessageWindow ; type TafwLongProcessVisualizer = class(Tl3Base, IafwLongProcessVisualizer) private // private fields f_Wnd : Tl3AsincMessageWindow; {* The message window.} protected // overridden protected methods procedure Cleanup; override; {* Object fields clean up function. } public // public methods constructor Create(const aCaption: IafwCString; anAttachWnd: THandle = 0; anInitialTimeout: Cardinal = afw_lpwTimeout; anImageList: TafwCustomImageList = nil; anImageIndex: Integer = -1); reintroduce; {* Creates class instant } class function Make(const aCaption: IafwCString; anAttachWnd: THandle = 0; anInitialTimeout: Cardinal = afw_lpwTimeout; anImageList: TafwCustomImageList = nil; anImageIndex: Integer = -1): IafwLongProcessVisualizer; reintroduce; {* Creates class instant in the form of interface IafwLongProcessVisualizer. } end;//TafwLongProcessVisualizer implementation // start class TafwLongProcessVisualizer constructor TafwLongProcessVisualizer.Create(const aCaption: IafwCString; anAttachWnd: THandle = 0; anInitialTimeout: Cardinal = afw_lpwTimeout; anImageList: TafwCustomImageList = nil; anImageIndex: Integer = -1); begin inherited Create; f_Wnd := Tl3AsincMessageWindow.Create(aCaption, anImageList, anImageIndex, anAttachWnd, anInitialTimeout); end;//TafwLongProcessVisualizer.Create class function TafwLongProcessVisualizer.Make(const aCaption: IafwCString; anAttachWnd: THandle = 0; anInitialTimeout: Cardinal = afw_lpwTimeout; anImageList: TafwCustomImageList = nil; anImageIndex: Integer = -1): IafwLongProcessVisualizer; var l_Inst : TafwLongProcessVisualizer; begin l_Inst := Create(aCaption, anAttachWnd, anInitialTimeout, anImageList, anImageIndex); try Result := l_Inst; finally l_Inst.Free; end;//try..finally end; procedure TafwLongProcessVisualizer.Cleanup; begin FreeAndNil(f_Wnd); inherited; end;//TafwLongProcessVisualizer.Cleanup end.
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