Блог человека, который 18-ть лет программирует на Delphi. И 25 лет программирует вообще. VCL, UML, MDA, тесты. Это не "учебник", это - "заметки на полях".
суббота, 28 февраля 2015 г.
четверг, 26 февраля 2015 г.
Containers 10. About patterns and mixins
Original in Russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/03/blog-post_29.html
About containers. Table of contents
Now let’s talk about mixins a bit.
The theory can be read here:
Instead, we’ll go in for practice.
Let’s look at the definition:
In object-oriented programming languages, a mixin is a class that contains a combination of methods from other classes. How such a combination is done depends on the language, but it is not by inheritance. If a combination contains all methods of combined classes, it is equivalent tomultiple inheritance.
Mixins encourage code reuse and can be used to avoid the inheritance ambiguity that multiple inheritance can cause (the "diamond problem"), or to work around lack of support for multiple inheritance in a language.
A mixin can also be viewed as an interface with implemented methods. When a class includes a mixin, the class implements the interface and includes, rather than inherits, all the mixin's attributes (fields, properties) and methods. They become part of the class during compilation.
A mixin can defer definition and binding of methods untilruntime, though attributes and instantiation parameters are still defined at compile time. This differs from the most widely used approach (which originated in the programming language Simula) of defining all attributes, methods and initialization at compile time.
Those who code on C++ are lucky, because they have multiple inheritance and the question “how to add mixin to the existing class hierarchy” does not arise. Delphi programmers are not lucky. There is no multiple inheritance. Actually, thank God – mixins are far more highly specialized tool then multiple inheritance.
I will write separately about the particular examples of using the mixins in life. And now let’s consider a purely abstract example illustrating only the technique of embedding the mixin class to the hierarchy of inheritance of designed classes.
In the previous article we had an example:
Let’s redraw the diagram in this way:
We can see that functionality of Stack'а has completely moved to StackPrim.
And two more classes have appeared – TintStackFromPersisten, inherited from TPersistent and StackPrim, and class TIntStackFromComponent, inherited from TComponent and StackPrim.
Multiple inheritance – you’d ask. Logically – yes. At the level of the diagrams arrows.
Let’s see how it all looks on Delphi:
!!! And there are two NEW classes:
As for me, it is fun :-) There is only ONE mixin, but it is added to FOUR different classes and even different places in the hierarchy of the inheritance.
Try it. May be you will like it.
In the next series I will try to tell WHY do I use it.
About containers. Table of contents
Now let’s talk about mixins a bit.
The theory can be read here:
Instead, we’ll go in for practice.
Let’s look at the definition:
In object-oriented programming languages, a mixin is a class that contains a combination of methods from other classes. How such a combination is done depends on the language, but it is not by inheritance. If a combination contains all methods of combined classes, it is equivalent tomultiple inheritance.
Mixins encourage code reuse and can be used to avoid the inheritance ambiguity that multiple inheritance can cause (the "diamond problem"), or to work around lack of support for multiple inheritance in a language.
A mixin can also be viewed as an interface with implemented methods. When a class includes a mixin, the class implements the interface and includes, rather than inherits, all the mixin's attributes (fields, properties) and methods. They become part of the class during compilation.
A mixin can defer definition and binding of methods untilruntime, though attributes and instantiation parameters are still defined at compile time. This differs from the most widely used approach (which originated in the programming language Simula) of defining all attributes, methods and initialization at compile time.
Those who code on C++ are lucky, because they have multiple inheritance and the question “how to add mixin to the existing class hierarchy” does not arise. Delphi programmers are not lucky. There is no multiple inheritance. Actually, thank God – mixins are far more highly specialized tool then multiple inheritance.
I will write separately about the particular examples of using the mixins in life. And now let’s consider a purely abstract example illustrating only the technique of embedding the mixin class to the hierarchy of inheritance of designed classes.
In the previous article we had an example:
Let’s redraw the diagram in this way:
We can see that functionality of Stack'а has completely moved to StackPrim.
And two more classes have appeared – TintStackFromPersisten, inherited from TPersistent and StackPrim, and class TIntStackFromComponent, inherited from TComponent and StackPrim.
Multiple inheritance – you’d ask. Logically – yes. At the level of the diagrams arrows.
Let’s see how it all looks on Delphi:
{$IfNDef StackPrim_imp} {$Define StackPrim_imp} ItemsHolder = array of _ItemType_; _StackPrim_ = {mixin} class(_StackPrim_Parent_) private // private fields f_Items : ItemsHolder; public // public methods procedure Push(const anItem: _ItemType_); function Pop: _ItemType_; end;//_StackPrim_ {$Else StackPrim_imp} // start class _StackPrim_ procedure _StackPrim_.Push(const anItem: _ItemType_); var l_L : Integer; begin l_L := Length(f_Items); SetLength(f_Items, l_L + 1); f_Items[l_L] := anItem; end;//_StackPrim_.Push function _StackPrim_.Pop: _ItemType_; var l_L : Integer; begin l_L := Length(f_Items) - 1; Result := f_Items[l_L]; SetLength(f_Items, l_L); end;//_StackPrim_.Pop {$EndIf StackPrim_imp}
{$IfNDef Stack_imp} {$Define Stack_imp} _StackPrim_Parent_ = TObject; {$Include StackPrim.imp.pas} _Stack_ = {mixin} class(_StackPrim_) end;//_Stack_ {$Else Stack_imp} {$Include StackPrim.imp.pas} {$EndIf Stack_imp}
unit StringStack; interface type _ItemType_ = AnsiString; {$Include Stack.imp.pas} TStringStack = class(_Stack_) end;//TStringStack implementation {$Include Stack.imp.pas} end.
unit IntStack; interface type _ItemType_ = Integer; {$Include Stack.imp.pas} TIntStack = class(_Stack_) end;//TIntStack implementation {$Include Stack.imp.pas} end
!!! And there are two NEW classes:
unit IntStackFromPersistent; interface uses Classes ; type _ItemType_ = Integer; _StackPrim_Parent_ = TPersistent; {$Include StackPrim.imp.pas} TIntStackFromPersistent = class(_StackPrim_) end;//TIntStackFromPersistent implementation {$Include StackPrim.imp.pas} end.
unit IntStackFromComponent; interface uses Classes ; type _ItemType_ = Integer; _StackPrim_Parent_ = TComponent; {$Include StackPrim.imp.pas} TIntStackFromComponent = class(_StackPrim_) end;//TIntStackFromComponent implementation {$Include StackPrim.imp.pas} end.
As for me, it is fun :-) There is only ONE mixin, but it is added to FOUR different classes and even different places in the hierarchy of the inheritance.
Try it. May be you will like it.
In the next series I will try to tell WHY do I use it.
Containers 9. Special containers. Part 2
Original in Russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/07/2_18.html
About containers. Table of contents
The previous series was here - http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2015/02/containers-8-deriving-of-specific.html
And here - http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2015/02/containers-7-abstract-containers-part-2.html
Now let’s look how special containers have changed.
The model:
The code:
About containers. Table of contents
The previous series was here - http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2015/02/containers-8-deriving-of-specific.html
And here - http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2015/02/containers-7-abstract-containers-part-2.html
Now let’s look how special containers have changed.
The model:
The code:
StandardAtomicList.imp.pas: {$IfNDef StandardAtomicList_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "StandardAtomicList.imp.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: Impurity::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::FinalContainers::StandardAtomicList // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define StandardAtomicList_imp} _AtomicList_Parent_ = TRefcounted; {$Include ..\SandBox\AtomicList.imp.pas} _StandardAtomicList_ = {mixin} class(_AtomicList_) end;//_StandardAtomicList_ {$Else StandardAtomicList_imp} {$Include ..\SandBox\AtomicList.imp.pas} {$EndIf StandardAtomicList_imp} IntegerList.pas: unit IntegerList; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "IntegerList.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: SimpleClass::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::FinalContainers::TIntegerList // // The list of Integer's // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Include ..\SandBox\sbDefine.inc} interface uses Refcounted, Classes, l3PtrLoc ; type _ItemType_ = Integer; {$Include ..\SandBox\StandardAtomicList.imp.pas} TIntegerList = class(_StandardAtomicList_) {* The list of Integer's } end;//TIntegerList implementation uses RTLConsts, l3MemorySizeUtils ; {$Include ..\SandBox\StandardAtomicList.imp.pas} end. Int64List.pas: unit Int64List; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "Int64List.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: SimpleClass::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::FinalContainers::TInt64List // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Include ..\SandBox\sbDefine.inc} interface uses Refcounted, Classes, l3PtrLoc ; type _ItemType_ = Int64; {$Include ..\SandBox\StandardAtomicList.imp.pas} TInt64List = class(_StandardAtomicList_) end;//TInt64List implementation uses RTLConsts, l3MemorySizeUtils ; {$Include ..\SandBox\StandardAtomicList.imp.pas} end. ByteList.pas: unit ByteList; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "ByteList.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: SimpleClass::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::FinalContainers::TByteList // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Include ..\SandBox\sbDefine.inc} interface uses Refcounted, Classes, l3PtrLoc ; type _ItemType_ = Byte; {$Include ..\SandBox\StandardAtomicList.imp.pas} TByteList = class(_StandardAtomicList_) end;//TByteList implementation uses RTLConsts, l3MemorySizeUtils ; {$Include ..\SandBox\StandardAtomicList.imp.pas} end. IUnknownRefList.pas: unit IUnknownRefList; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "IUnknownRefList.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: SimpleClass::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::FinalContainers::TIUnknownRefList // // The list of the REFERENCES to IUnknown // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Include ..\SandBox\sbDefine.inc} interface uses Refcounted, Classes, l3PtrLoc ; type _ItemType_ = IUnknown; _InterfaceRefList_Parent_ = TRefcounted; {$Include ..\SandBox\InterfaceRefList.imp.pas} TIUnknownRefList = class(_InterfaceRefList_) {* The list of the REFERENCES to IUnknown } end;//TIUnknownRefList implementation uses RTLConsts, l3MemorySizeUtils ; {$Include ..\SandBox\InterfaceRefList.imp.pas} end. IUnknownPtrList.pas: unit IUnknownPtrList; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "IUnknownPtrList.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: SimpleClass::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::FinalContainers::TIUnknownPtrList // // The list of the POINTERS to IUnknown // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Include ..\SandBox\sbDefine.inc} interface uses Refcounted, Classes, l3PtrLoc ; type _ItemType_ = IUnknown; _InterfacePtrList_Parent_ = TRefcounted; {$Include ..\SandBox\InterfacePtrList.imp.pas} TIUnknownPtrList = class(_InterfacePtrList_) {* The list of the POINTERS to IUnknown } end;//TIUnknownPtrList implementation uses RTLConsts, l3MemorySizeUtils ; {$Include ..\SandBox\InterfacePtrList.imp.pas} end. And the tests. The model: pic2 pic3 The code: ListTest.imp.pas: {$IfNDef ListTest_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBoxTest" // The unit: "ListTest.imp.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: TestCaseMixIn::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBoxTest::FinalContainersTests::ListTest // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define ListTest_imp} {$If defined(nsTest)} _ListTest_ = class(TTestCase) protected // protected methods function CreateList: _ListType_; {* Creates the list for testing } end;//_ListTest_ {$IfEnd} //nsTest {$Else ListTest_imp} {$If defined(nsTest)} // start class _ListTest_ function _ListTest_.CreateList: _ListType_; //#UC START# *51E80E0D030D_51E80DD30125_var* //#UC END# *51E80E0D030D_51E80DD30125_var* begin //#UC START# *51E80E0D030D_51E80DD30125_impl* Result := _ListType_.Create; //#UC END# *51E80E0D030D_51E80DD30125_impl* end;//_ListTest_.CreateList {$IfEnd} //nsTest {$EndIf ListTest_imp} AtomicListTest.imp.pas: {$IfNDef AtomicListTest_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBoxTest" // The unit: "AtomicListTest.imp.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: TestCaseMixIn::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBoxTest::FinalContainersTests::AtomicListTest // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define AtomicListTest_imp} {$If defined(nsTest)} {$Include ..\SandBox\ListTest.imp.pas} _AtomicListTest_ = class(_ListTest_) private // private methods function RandomItem: _ItemType_; published // published methods procedure DoIt; procedure TestTwoLists; procedure TestInsert; procedure TestInsertAt0; procedure DeleteTest; {* The test of item deleting } procedure AddTest; {* The test of item adding } procedure RemoveTest; {* The test of item deleting by the value } end;//_AtomicListTest_ {$IfEnd} //nsTest {$Else AtomicListTest_imp} {$If defined(nsTest)} {$Include ..\SandBox\ListTest.imp.pas} // start class _AtomicListTest_ function _AtomicListTest_.RandomItem: _ItemType_; //#UC START# *51E6ADE0016E_51E03FC80111_var* var l_V : Cardinal; //#UC END# *51E6ADE0016E_51E03FC80111_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6ADE0016E_51E03FC80111_impl* l_V := Random(1000); if (l_V > High(_ItemType_)) then Result := High(_ItemType_) else Result := l_V; //#UC END# *51E6ADE0016E_51E03FC80111_impl* end;//_AtomicListTest_.RandomItem procedure _AtomicListTest_.DoIt; //#UC START# *51DEB319037C_51E03FC80111_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_List : _ListType_; l_Count : IndexType; l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51DEB319037C_51E03FC80111_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB319037C_51E03FC80111_impl* l_List := CreateList; try l_List.Count := cCount; Check(l_List.Count = cCount); Check(l_List.Capacity >= cCount); for l_Index := 0 to l_List.Count - 1 do Check(l_List[l_Index] = 0); l_Count := Random(cCount); l_List.Count := l_Count; Check(l_List.Count = l_Count, Format('We’ve allocated %d items. Count = %d', [l_Count, l_List.Count])); Check(l_List.Capacity >= l_Count, Format('We’ve allocated %d items. Capacity = %d', [l_Count, l_List.Capacity])); for l_Index := 0 to l_List.Count - 1 do Check(l_List[l_Index] = 0); finally FreeAndNil(l_List); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51DEB319037C_51E03FC80111_impl* end;//_AtomicListTest_.DoIt procedure _AtomicListTest_.TestTwoLists; //#UC START# *51DED6FC03C1_51E03FC80111_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_A : _ListType_; l_B : _ListType_; l_Index : IndexType; l_Value : _ItemType_; //#UC END# *51DED6FC03C1_51E03FC80111_var* begin //#UC START# *51DED6FC03C1_51E03FC80111_impl* l_A := CreateList; try l_B := CreateList; try l_A.Count := cCount; for l_Index := 0 to l_A.Count - 1 do begin l_Value := RandomItem; l_A[l_Index] := l_Value; Check(l_A[l_Index] = l_Value); end;//for l_Index l_B.Count := l_A.Count; for l_Index := 0 to l_A.Count - 1 do begin l_B[l_Index] := l_A[l_Index]; end;//for l_Index for l_Index := 0 to l_A.Count - 1 do begin Check(l_B[l_Index] = l_A[l_Index]); end;//for l_Index finally FreeAndNil(l_B); end;//try..finally finally FreeAndNil(l_A); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51DED6FC03C1_51E03FC80111_impl* end;//_AtomicListTest_.TestTwoLists procedure _AtomicListTest_.TestInsert; //#UC START# *51E6AC74038B_51E03FC80111_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_List : _ListType_; l_Value : _ItemType_; l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51E6AC74038B_51E03FC80111_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6AC74038B_51E03FC80111_impl* l_List := CreateList; try for l_Index := 0 to cCount do begin l_Value := RandomItem; l_List.Insert(l_Index, l_Value); Check(l_List.Count = l_Index + 1); Check(l_List[l_Index] = l_Value); end;//for l_Index finally FreeAndNil(l_List); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51E6AC74038B_51E03FC80111_impl* end;//_AtomicListTest_.TestInsert procedure _AtomicListTest_.TestInsertAt0; //#UC START# *51E6B4260008_51E03FC80111_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_List : _ListType_; l_Value : _ItemType_; l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51E6B4260008_51E03FC80111_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6B4260008_51E03FC80111_impl* l_List := CreateList; try for l_Index := 0 to cCount do begin l_Value := RandomItem; l_List.Insert(0, l_Value); Check(l_List.Count = l_Index + 1); Check(l_List[0] = l_Value); end;//for l_Index finally FreeAndNil(l_List); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51E6B4260008_51E03FC80111_impl* end;//_AtomicListTest_.TestInsertAt0 procedure _AtomicListTest_.DeleteTest; //#UC START# *51E7F6EF0285_51E03FC80111_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_List : _ListType_; l_Value : _ItemType_; l_Index : IndexType; l_Prev : _ItemType_; //#UC END# *51E7F6EF0285_51E03FC80111_var* begin //#UC START# *51E7F6EF0285_51E03FC80111_impl* l_List := CreateList; try for l_Index := 0 to cCount do begin l_Value := RandomItem; l_List.Insert(l_Index, l_Value); Check(l_List.Count = l_Index + 1); Check(l_List[l_Index] = l_Value); end;//for l_Index while not l_List.Empty do begin l_Index := Random(l_List.Count - 1); if (l_Index < l_List.Count - 1) then begin l_Prev := l_List[l_Index + 1]; l_List.Delete(l_Index); if l_List.Empty then break; Check(l_List[l_Index] = l_Prev); end//l_Index < l_List.Count - 1 else begin if (l_Index = 0) then l_List.Delete(l_Index) else begin l_Prev := l_List[l_Index - 1]; l_List.Delete(l_Index); if l_List.Empty then break; Check(l_List[l_Index - 1] = l_Prev); end;//l_Index = 0 end;//l_Index < l_List.Count - 1 end;//while l_List.Count finally FreeAndNil(l_List); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51E7F6EF0285_51E03FC80111_impl* end;//_AtomicListTest_.DeleteTest procedure _AtomicListTest_.AddTest; //#UC START# *51E80DC50154_51E03FC80111_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_List : _ListType_; l_Value : _ItemType_; l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51E80DC50154_51E03FC80111_var* begin //#UC START# *51E80DC50154_51E03FC80111_impl* l_List := CreateList; try for l_Index := 0 to cCount do begin l_Value := RandomItem; l_List.Add(l_Value); Check(l_List.Last = l_Value); end;//for l_Index finally FreeAndNil(l_List); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51E80DC50154_51E03FC80111_impl* end;//_AtomicListTest_.AddTest procedure _AtomicListTest_.RemoveTest; //#UC START# *51E8127802AF_51E03FC80111_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_List : _ListType_; l_Value : _ItemType_; l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51E8127802AF_51E03FC80111_var* begin //#UC START# *51E8127802AF_51E03FC80111_impl* l_List := CreateList; try for l_Index := 0 to cCount do begin l_Value := RandomItem; l_List.Add(l_Value); Check(l_List.Last = l_Value); end;//for l_Index while not l_List.Empty do begin l_Value := RandomItem; l_List.Remove(l_Value); end;//while not finally FreeAndNil(l_List); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51E8127802AF_51E03FC80111_impl* end;//_AtomicListTest_.RemoveTest {$IfEnd} //nsTest {$EndIf AtomicListTest_imp}
unit IUnknownRefListTest; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBoxTest" // The unit: "IUnknownRefListTest.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: TestCase::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBoxTest::FinalContainersTests::IUnknownRefListTest // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Include ..\SandBox\sbtDefine.inc} interface {$If defined(nsTest)} uses TestFrameWork, IUnknownRefList ; {$IfEnd} //nsTest {$If defined(nsTest)} type _ListType_ = TIUnknownRefList; {$Include ..\SandBox\ListTest.imp.pas} TIUnknownRefListTest = class(_ListTest_) published // published methods procedure DoIt; end;//TIUnknownRefListTest {$IfEnd} //nsTest implementation {$If defined(nsTest)} uses SysUtils ; {$IfEnd} //nsTest {$If defined(nsTest)} {$Include ..\SandBox\ListTest.imp.pas} // start class TIUnknownRefListTest procedure TIUnknownRefListTest.DoIt; //#UC START# *51E80B2F02CF_51E80B08039E_var* var l_List : _ListType_; //#UC END# *51E80B2F02CF_51E80B08039E_var* begin //#UC START# *51E80B2F02CF_51E80B08039E_impl* l_List := CreateList; try // - For now we do nothing finally FreeAndNil(l_List); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51E80B2F02CF_51E80B08039E_impl* end;//TIUnknownRefListTest.DoIt {$IfEnd} //nsTest initialization TestFramework.RegisterTest(TIUnknownRefListTest.Suite); end.
Containers 8. Deriving of specific atomic containers from abstract ones
Original in Russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/07/blog-post_8789.html
About containers. Table of contents
The previous series was here - http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2015/02/containers-7-abstract-containers-part-2.html
Now let us derive from abstract containers of the previous series – the specific ones. As yet – atomic ones.
So. As usual.
The model:
The code:
The tests (picked out of the thin air, nevertheless they have the right to live).
The model of the tests:
The code of the tests:
The code is here - http://sourceforge.net/p/rumtmarc/code-0/19/tree/trunk/Blogger/SandBox and http://sourceforge.net/p/rumtmarc/code-0/19/tree/trunk/Blogger/SandBoxTest
About containers. Table of contents
The previous series was here - http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2015/02/containers-7-abstract-containers-part-2.html
Now let us derive from abstract containers of the previous series – the specific ones. As yet – atomic ones.
So. As usual.
The model:
The code:
unit IntegerList; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "IntegerList.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: SimpleClass::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::FinalContainers::TIntegerList // // The list of Integer's // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ! Fully generated from the model. It is not allowed to edit manually. ! interface uses Refcounted, Classes, l3PtrLoc ; type _ItemType_ = Integer; _AtomicList_Parent_ = TRefcounted; {$Include AtomicList.imp.pas} TIntegerList = class(_AtomicList_) {* The list of Integer's } end;//TIntegerList implementation uses RTLConsts, l3MemorySizeUtils ; type _Instance_R_ = TIntegerList; type _AtomicList_R_ = TIntegerList; {$Include AtomicList.imp.pas} end. ByteList.pas: unit ByteList; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "ByteList.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: SimpleClass::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::FinalContainers::TByteList // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ! Fully generated from the model. It is not allowed to edit manually. ! interface uses Refcounted, Classes, l3PtrLoc ; type _ItemType_ = Byte; _AtomicList_Parent_ = TRefcounted; {$Include AtomicList.imp.pas} TByteList = class(_AtomicList_) end;//TByteList implementation uses RTLConsts, l3MemorySizeUtils ; type _Instance_R_ = TByteList; type _AtomicList_R_ = TByteList; {$Include AtomicList.imp.pas} end. Int64List.pas: unit Int64List; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "Int64List.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: SimpleClass::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::FinalContainers::TInt64List // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ! Fully generated from the model. It is not allowed to edit manually. ! interface uses Refcounted, Classes, l3PtrLoc ; type _ItemType_ = Int64; _AtomicList_Parent_ = TRefcounted; {$Include AtomicList.imp.pas} TInt64List = class(_AtomicList_) end;//TInt64List implementation uses RTLConsts, l3MemorySizeUtils ; type _Instance_R_ = TInt64List; type _AtomicList_R_ = TInt64List; {$Include AtomicList.imp.pas} end.
The tests (picked out of the thin air, nevertheless they have the right to live).
The model of the tests:
The code of the tests:
unit IntegerListTest; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBoxTest" // The unit: "IntegerListTest.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: TestCase::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBoxTest::FinalContainersTests::IntegerListTest // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ! Fully generated from the model. It is not allowed to edit manually. ! interface uses TestFrameWork ; type TIntegerListTest = class(TTestCase) published // published methods procedure DoIt; procedure TestTwoLists; end;//TIntegerListTest implementation uses IntegerList, SysUtils ; // start class TIntegerListTest procedure TIntegerListTest.DoIt; //#UC START# *51DEB319037C_51DEB2FA00B0_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_List : TIntegerList; l_Count : IndexType; l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51DEB319037C_51DEB2FA00B0_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB319037C_51DEB2FA00B0_impl* l_List := TIntegerList.Create; try l_List.Count := cCount; Check(l_List.Count = cCount); Check(l_List.Capacity >= cCount); for l_Index := 0 to l_List.Count - 1 do Check(l_List[l_Index] = 0); l_Count := Random(cCount); l_List.Count := l_Count; Check(l_List.Count = l_Count, Format('We’ve allocated %d items. Count = %d', [l_Count, l_List.Count])); Check(l_List.Capacity >= l_Count, Format('We’ve allocated %d items. Capacity = %d', [l_Count, l_List.Capacity])); for l_Index := 0 to l_List.Count - 1 do Check(l_List[l_Index] = 0); finally FreeAndNil(l_List); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51DEB319037C_51DEB2FA00B0_impl* end;//TIntegerListTest.DoIt procedure TIntegerListTest.TestTwoLists; //#UC START# *51DED6FC03C1_51DEB2FA00B0_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_A : TIntegerList; l_B : TIntegerList; l_Index : IndexType; l_Value : Integer; //#UC END# *51DED6FC03C1_51DEB2FA00B0_var* begin //#UC START# *51DED6FC03C1_51DEB2FA00B0_impl* l_A := TIntegerList.Create; try l_B := TIntegerList.Create; try l_A.Count := cCount; for l_Index := 0 to l_A.Count - 1 do begin l_Value := Random(1000); l_A[l_Index] := l_Value; Check(l_A[l_Index] = l_Value); end;//for l_Index l_B.Count := l_A.Count; for l_Index := 0 to l_A.Count - 1 do begin l_B[l_Index] := l_A[l_Index]; end;//for l_Index for l_Index := 0 to l_A.Count - 1 do begin Check(l_B[l_Index] = l_A[l_Index]); end;//for l_Index finally FreeAndNil(l_B); end;//try..finally finally FreeAndNil(l_A); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51DED6FC03C1_51DEB2FA00B0_impl* end;//TIntegerListTest.TestTwoLists initialization TestFramework.RegisterTest(TIntegerListTest.Suite); end. ByteListTest.pas: unit ByteListTest; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBoxTest" // The unit: "ByteListTest.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: TestCase::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBoxTest::FinalContainersTests::ByteListTest // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ! Fully generated from the model. It is not allowed to edit manually. ! interface uses TestFrameWork ; type TByteListTest = class(TTestCase) published // published methods procedure DoIt; end;//TByteListTest implementation uses ByteList, SysUtils ; // start class TByteListTest procedure TByteListTest.DoIt; //#UC START# *51DEE6960378_51DEE67C003A_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_List : TByteList; l_Count : IndexType; l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51DEE6960378_51DEE67C003A_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEE6960378_51DEE67C003A_impl* l_List := TByteList.Create; try l_List.Count := cCount; Check(l_List.Count = cCount); Check(l_List.Capacity >= cCount); for l_Index := 0 to l_List.Count - 1 do Check(l_List[l_Index] = 0); l_Count := Random(cCount); l_List.Count := l_Count; Check(l_List.Count = l_Count, Format('We’ve allocated %d items. Count = %d', [l_Count, l_List.Count])); Check(l_List.Capacity >= l_Count, Format('We’ve allocated %d items. Capacity = %d', [l_Count, l_List.Capacity])); for l_Index := 0 to l_List.Count - 1 do Check(l_List[l_Index] = 0); finally FreeAndNil(l_List); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51DEE6960378_51DEE67C003A_impl* end;//TByteListTest.DoIt initialization TestFramework.RegisterTest(TByteListTest.Suite); end. Int64ListTest.pas: unit Int64ListTest; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBoxTest" // The unit: "Int64ListTest.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: TestCase::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBoxTest::FinalContainersTests::Int64ListTest // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ! Fully generated from the model. It is not allowed to edit manually. ! interface uses TestFrameWork ; type TInt64ListTest = class(TTestCase) published // published methods procedure DoIt; end;//TInt64ListTest implementation uses Int64List, SysUtils ; // start class TInt64ListTest procedure TInt64ListTest.DoIt; //#UC START# *51DEE90202A8_51DEE8E9025A_var* const cCount = 1000; var l_List : TInt64List; l_Count : IndexType; l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51DEE90202A8_51DEE8E9025A_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEE90202A8_51DEE8E9025A_impl* l_List := TInt64List.Create; try l_List.Count := cCount; Check(l_List.Count = cCount); Check(l_List.Capacity >= cCount); for l_Index := 0 to l_List.Count - 1 do Check(l_List[l_Index] = 0); l_Count := Random(cCount); l_List.Count := l_Count; Check(l_List.Count = l_Count, Format('We’ve allocated %d items. Count = %d', [l_Count, l_List.Count])); Check(l_List.Capacity >= l_Count, Format('We’ve allocated %d items. Capacity = %d', [l_Count, l_List.Capacity])); for l_Index := 0 to l_List.Count - 1 do Check(l_List[l_Index] = 0); finally FreeAndNil(l_List); end;//try..finally //#UC END# *51DEE90202A8_51DEE8E9025A_impl* end;//TInt64ListTest.DoIt initialization TestFramework.RegisterTest(TInt64ListTest.Suite); end.
The code is here - http://sourceforge.net/p/rumtmarc/code-0/19/tree/trunk/Blogger/SandBox and http://sourceforge.net/p/rumtmarc/code-0/19/tree/trunk/Blogger/SandBoxTest
Containers 7. Abstract containers. Part 2
Original in Russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/07/2.html
About containers. Table of contents
The previous series was here - http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2015/02/containers-6-abstract-containers.html
Let’s extend the functionality of the container by adding the “standard” container operations.
As usual we’ll start with the model:
And the code:
About containers. Table of contents
The previous series was here - http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2015/02/containers-6-abstract-containers.html
Let’s extend the functionality of the container by adding the “standard” container operations.
As usual we’ll start with the model:
And the code:
{$IfNDef List_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "List.imp.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: Impurity::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::STLLike::List // // The abstract list of values // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define List_imp} PItemType = ^_ItemType_; const { Sizes } cItemSize = SizeOf(_ItemType_); type IndexType = System.Integer; _List_ = {mixin} class(_List_Parent_) {* The abstract list of values } private // private fields f_Data : Tl3PtrLoc; {* That is actually the place to store data } f_Count : IndexType; {* Field for the property Count} private // private methods procedure ReAllocList(aNewCapacity: IndexType); procedure CheckIndex(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError {* checks the validity of the index and raises an exception if it is incorrect } function ItemSlot(anIndex: IndexType): PItemType; function ExpandSize(aTargetSize: IndexType): Cardinal; procedure CheckSetItem(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError {* Checks the validity of the index upon insert } procedure DirectInsert(anIndex: IndexType; const anItem: _ItemType_); {* Direct adding of the item. Without checking the validity of the index } procedure MoveItems(aDst: IndexType; aSrc: IndexType; aSize: Cardinal); protected // property methods procedure pm_SetCount(aValue: IndexType); function pm_GetCapacity: IndexType; procedure pm_SetCapacity(aValue: IndexType); function pm_GetItems(anIndex: IndexType): _ItemType_; procedure pm_SetItems(anIndex: IndexType; const aValue: _ItemType_); function pm_GetEmpty: Boolean; function pm_GetFirst: _ItemType_; function pm_GetLast: _ItemType_; protected // overridden protected methods procedure Cleanup; override; {* The function of object fields cleaning. } public // public methods procedure Delete(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError {* delete the item with index anIndex } procedure Insert(anIndex: IndexType; const anItem: _ItemType_); // can raise EListError {* Adding of the item } procedure Add(const anItem: _ItemType_); {* Adds an item of the list } function IndexOf(const anItem: _ItemType_): IndexType; {* Returns the index of the list item or -1, if there is no item in the list } procedure Remove(const anIndex: _ItemType_); {* Deletes an item from the list } procedure Clear; {* Clears the list } public // public properties property Count: IndexType read f_Count write pm_SetCount; {* The number of items in the list } property Capacity: IndexType read pm_GetCapacity write pm_SetCapacity; {* The capacity of the list } property Items[anIndex: IndexType]: _ItemType_ read pm_GetItems write pm_SetItems; default; {* The items of the list. } property Empty: Boolean read pm_GetEmpty; {* The list is empty } property First: _ItemType_ read pm_GetFirst; {* The first item of the list } property Last: _ItemType_ read pm_GetLast; {* The last item of the list } end;//_List_ {$Else List_imp} // start class _List_ procedure _List_.ReAllocList(aNewCapacity: IndexType); //#UC START# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_Cap : Integer; l_Cnt : Integer; //#UC END# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_impl* f_Data.SetSize(aNewCapacity * cItemSize); l_Cap := Self.Capacity; Assert(l_Cap >= aNewCapacity); l_Cnt := f_Count; if (l_Cap > l_Cnt) then System.FillChar(ItemSlot(l_Cnt)^, (l_Cap - l_Cnt) * cItemSize, 0); //#UC END# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.ReAllocList procedure _List_.CheckIndex(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError //#UC START# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_var* procedure _Error; begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError + ' from (%d)', [anIndex, f_Count]) end; //#UC END# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_impl* if (anIndex < 0) or (anIndex >= f_Count) then _Error; //#UC END# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.CheckIndex function _List_.ItemSlot(anIndex: IndexType): PItemType; //#UC START# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Result := PItemType(f_Data.AsPointer + anIndex * cItemSize); assert(Result <> nil); //#UC END# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.ItemSlot function _List_.ExpandSize(aTargetSize: IndexType): Cardinal; //#UC START# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_var* const cIncrArray : array [0..3] of Integer = (64 * 1024, 1024, 128, 4); cMaxForTwice : Integer = 1 * 1024 * 1024; var I : Integer; //#UC END# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Assert(aTargetSize > 0); Result := aTargetSize; if (Result > cMaxForTwice) then // we do not double large arrays, but even them to 1 Mb Result := (aTargetSize div cMaxForTwice + 1) * cMaxForTwice else begin for I := 0 to High(cIncrArray) do if (aTargetSize > cIncrArray[I]) then begin Result := (aTargetSize div cIncrArray[I]) * cIncrArray[I] * 2; Break; end;//aTargetSize > cIncrArray[I] end;//Result > cMaxForTwic //#UC END# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.ExpandSize procedure _List_.CheckSetItem(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError //#UC START# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_impl* CheckIndex(anIndex); //#UC END# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.CheckSetItem procedure _List_.DirectInsert(anIndex: IndexType; const anItem: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51E6A2AA02E4_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_Cap : Integer; l_Count : Integer; //#UC END# *51E6A2AA02E4_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6A2AA02E4_51DEB07E03E4_impl* l_Count := f_Count; l_Cap := Self.Capacity; if (l_Count >= l_Cap) then ReAllocList(ExpandSize(l_Cap + 1)); { Make room for the inserted item. } Dec(l_Count, anIndex); if (l_Count > 0) then begin MoveItems(anIndex + 1, anIndex + 0, l_Count); {$If not defined(l3Items_IsAtomic)} FillChar(PMem(ItemSlot(anIndex))^, cItemSize, 0); // - To ensure that there is no odd reference to the lines and/or the interfaces {$IfEnd} end;//l_Count > 0 FillItem(ItemSlot(anIndex)^, anItem); Inc(f_Count); {$IfDef l3Items_IsAtomic} Assert(ItemSlot(anIndex)^ = anItem); {$Else l3Items_IsAtomic} {$If (SizeOf(_ItemType_) <= 4) AND not Defined(l3Items_IsProcedured)} Assert(ItemSlot(anIndex)^ = anItem); {$IfEnd} {$EndIf l3Items_IsAtomic} //#UC END# *51E6A2AA02E4_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.DirectInsert procedure _List_.MoveItems(aDst: IndexType; aSrc: IndexType; aSize: Cardinal); //#UC START# *51E6A8190252_51DEB07E03E4_var* type PInteger = ^Integer; var l_Sz : Integer; l_S : Integer; l_D : Integer; l_B : PMem; //#UC END# *51E6A8190252_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6A8190252_51DEB07E03E4_impl* if (aSize > 0) then begin l_B := f_Data.AsPointer; l_S := aSrc * cItemSize; l_D := aDst * cItemSize; l_Sz := aSize * cItemSize; if (l_Sz = SizeOf(Integer)) then begin PInteger(l_B + l_D)^ := PInteger(l_B + l_S)^; Exit; end//l_Sz = SizeOf(Integer) else Move((l_B + l_S)^, (l_B + l_D)^, l_Sz); end;//aSize > 0 //#UC END# *51E6A8190252_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.MoveItems procedure _List_.Delete(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError //#UC START# *51E6A2660270_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_P : PItemType; //#UC END# *51E6A2660270_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6A2660270_51DEB07E03E4_impl* CheckIndex(anIndex); l_P := ItemSlot(anIndex); Dec(f_Count); FreeItem(l_P^); if (anIndex <> f_Count) then MoveItems(anIndex, Succ(anIndex), f_Count-anIndex); //#UC END# *51E6A2660270_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Delete procedure _List_.Insert(anIndex: IndexType; const anItem: _ItemType_); // can raise EListError //#UC START# *51E6A3140016_51DEB07E03E4_var* procedure _Error; begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [anIndex]); end; //#UC END# *51E6A3140016_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E6A3140016_51DEB07E03E4_impl* if (anIndex < 0) or (anIndex > f_Count) then _Error; DirectInsert(anIndex, anItem) //#UC END# *51E6A3140016_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Insert procedure _List_.Add(const anItem: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51E80192036C_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *51E80192036C_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E80192036C_51DEB07E03E4_impl* DirectInsert(f_Count, anItem); //#UC END# *51E80192036C_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Add function _List_.IndexOf(const anItem: _ItemType_): IndexType; //#UC START# *51E801D503C5_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51E801D503C5_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E801D503C5_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Result := -1; // - let’s be pessimistic for l_Index := 0 to f_Count - 1 do begin if IsSame(ItemSlot(l_Index)^, anItem) then begin Result := l_Index; break; end;//IsSame(ItemSlot(l_Index)^, anItem) end;//for l_Index //#UC END# *51E801D503C5_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.IndexOf procedure _List_.Remove(const anIndex: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51E802290167_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_Index : IndexType; //#UC END# *51E802290167_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E802290167_51DEB07E03E4_impl* l_Index := IndexOf(anIndex); if (l_Index >= 0) then Delete(l_Index); //#UC END# *51E802290167_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Remove procedure _List_.Clear; //#UC START# *51E8026302B4_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *51E8026302B4_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51E8026302B4_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Count := 0; //#UC END# *51E8026302B4_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Clear procedure _List_.pm_SetCount(aValue: IndexType); //#UC START# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_var* procedure SayBadCount(aNewCount: LongInt); begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(sListIndexError, [aNewCount]); end; var l_Ptr : PItemType; {$IfNDef l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} l_Index : Integer; {$EndIf l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} //#UC END# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* if (aValue < 0) then SayBadCount(aValue); if (aValue < f_Count) then begin l_Ptr := ItemSlot(aValue); {$IfDef l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} System.FillChar(l_Ptr^, (f_Count - 1 - aValue) * cItemSize, 0); {$Else l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} for l_Index := aValue to f_Count - 1 do begin FreeItem(l_Ptr^); Inc(PMem(l_Ptr), cItemSize); end;//for i {$EndIf l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} end//aValue < f_Count else if (aValue > Self.Capacity) then ReAllocList(ExpandSize(aValue)); if (f_Count < aValue) then System.FillChar(ItemSlot(f_Count)^, (aValue - f_Count) * cItemSize, 0); f_Count := aValue; //#UC END# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* end;//_List_.pm_SetCount function _List_.pm_GetCapacity: IndexType; //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* Result := f_Data.GetSize div cItemSize; //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetCapacity procedure _List_.pm_SetCapacity(aValue: IndexType); //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_var* procedure SayBadCap(aNewCapacity: IndexType); begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(sListIndexError, [aNewCapacity]); end; //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* if (aValue < 0) then SayBadCap(aValue); if (pm_GetCapacity <> aValue) then begin { If the list is shrinking, then update _Count for the smaller size. } if (aValue < f_Count) then Count := aValue; ReAllocList(aValue); end;//GetCapacity(Self) <> aValue //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* end;//_List_.pm_SetCapacity function _List_.pm_GetItems(anIndex: IndexType): _ItemType_; //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* CheckIndex(anIndex); Result := ItemSlot(anIndex)^; //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetItems procedure _List_.pm_SetItems(anIndex: IndexType; const aValue: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_var* {$IfNDef l3Items_IsAtomic} var l_P : PItemType; {$EndIf l3Items_IsAtomic} //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* CheckSetItem(anIndex); {$IfDef l3Items_IsAtomic} PItemType(ItemSlot(anIndex))^ := aValue; {$Else l3Items_IsAtomic} l_P := PItemType(ItemSlot(anIndex)); if not IsSame(l_P^, aValue) then begin FreeItem(l_P^); FillItem(l_P^, aValue); end;//not IsSame(l_P^, anItem) {$EndIf l3Items_IsAtomic} //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* end;//_List_.pm_SetItems function _List_.pm_GetEmpty: Boolean; //#UC START# *51E7FDAC023D_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51E7FDAC023D_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51E7FDAC023D_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* Result := (Count = 0); //#UC END# *51E7FDAC023D_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetEmpty function _List_.pm_GetFirst: _ItemType_; //#UC START# *51E8070603AC_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51E8070603AC_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51E8070603AC_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* Result := Items[0]; //#UC END# *51E8070603AC_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetFirst function _List_.pm_GetLast: _ItemType_; //#UC START# *51E8074101B5_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51E8074101B5_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51E8074101B5_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* Result := Items[f_Count - 1]; //#UC END# *51E8074101B5_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetLast procedure _List_.Cleanup; //#UC START# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Count := 0; f_Data.SetSize(0); inherited; //#UC END# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Cleanup {$EndIf List_imp}
{$IfNDef InterfacePtrList_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "InterfacePtrList.imp.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: Impurity::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::STLLike::InterfacePtrList // // The list of the pointers to the interfaces. Does not have its items // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define InterfacePtrList_imp} _List_Parent_ = _InterfacePtrList_Parent_; {$Include ..\SandBox\List.imp.pas} _InterfacePtrList_ = {mixin} class(_List_) {* The list of the pointers to the interfaces. Does not have its items } end;//_InterfacePtrList_ {$Else InterfacePtrList_imp} // start class _InterfacePtrList_ procedure FillItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_; const aFrom: _ItemType_); forward; function IsSame(const A: _ItemType_; const B: _ItemType_): Boolean; forward; procedure FreeItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DEC20B01D7_51E8098001DC_var* //#UC END# *51DEC20B01D7_51E8098001DC_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEC20B01D7_51E8098001DC_impl* !!! Needs to be implemented !!! //#UC END# *51DEC20B01D7_51E8098001DC_impl* end;//FreeItem procedure FillItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_; const aFrom: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DECB440087_51E8098001DC_var* //#UC END# *51DECB440087_51E8098001DC_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECB440087_51E8098001DC_impl* !!! Needs to be implemented !!! //#UC END# *51DECB440087_51E8098001DC_impl* end;//FillItem function IsSame(const A: _ItemType_; const B: _ItemType_): Boolean; //#UC START# *51DECB820261_51E8098001DC_var* //#UC END# *51DECB820261_51E8098001DC_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECB820261_51E8098001DC_impl* !!! Needs to be implemented !!! //#UC END# *51DECB820261_51E8098001DC_impl* end;//IsSame {$Include ..\SandBox\List.imp.pas} {$EndIf InterfacePtrList_imp}
{$IfNDef InterfaceRefList_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "InterfaceRefList.imp.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: Impurity::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::STLLike::InterfaceRefList // // The list of the references to the interfaces. It has its items // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define InterfaceRefList_imp} _List_Parent_ = _InterfaceRefList_Parent_; {$Include ..\SandBox\List.imp.pas} _InterfaceRefList_ = {mixin} class(_List_) {* The list of the references to the interfaces. It has its items } end;//_InterfaceRefList_ {$Else InterfaceRefList_imp} // start class _InterfaceRefList_ procedure FillItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_; const aFrom: _ItemType_); forward; function IsSame(const A: _ItemType_; const B: _ItemType_): Boolean; forward; procedure FreeItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DEC20B01D7_51E809AD001D_var* //#UC END# *51DEC20B01D7_51E809AD001D_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEC20B01D7_51E809AD001D_impl* thePlace := nil; //#UC END# *51DEC20B01D7_51E809AD001D_impl* end;//FreeItem procedure FillItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_; const aFrom: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DECB440087_51E809AD001D_var* //#UC END# *51DECB440087_51E809AD001D_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECB440087_51E809AD001D_impl* thePlace := afrom; //#UC END# *51DECB440087_51E809AD001D_impl* end;//FillItem function IsSame(const A: _ItemType_; const B: _ItemType_): Boolean; //#UC START# *51DECB820261_51E809AD001D_var* //#UC END# *51DECB820261_51E809AD001D_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECB820261_51E809AD001D_impl* Result := (A = B); //#UC END# *51DECB820261_51E809AD001D_impl* end;//IsSame {$Include ..\SandBox\List.imp.pas} {$EndIf InterfaceRefList_imp}
Containers 6. Abstract containers
Original in Russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/07/blog-post_3683.html
About containers. Table of contents
Now I want to tell about the practice of creating “pattern” container in “STL style”.
FOR NOW – WITHOUT the “true” Generics (http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2015/02/containers-3-generics-and-without.html). They ALSO can be used. But FOR NOW – there is a NUMBER OF UNCLOSED errors, which for some reason Embarcadero does not hurry to close. That is a weak point. What to say. Even my error (http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=116040 http://18delphi.blogspot.com/2013/05/xe4.html) - has been "kind of corrected", but not closed. Even so that was a minor matter. If I get it my way right...
One remark. Despite the fact that in STL such containers are called vector, I’ve decided to keep continuity with Delphi and name it List.
So. As usual.
The model:
The code:
{$IfNDef List_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "List.imp.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: Impurity::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::STLLike::List // // The abstract list of values // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define List_imp} PItemType = ^_ItemType_; const { Sizes } cItemSize = SizeOf(_ItemType_); type IndexType = System.Integer; _List_ = {mixin} class(_List_Parent_) {* The abstract list of values } private // private fields f_Data : Tl3PtrLoc; f_Count : IndexType; {* The field for the property Count} private // private methods procedure ReAllocList(aNewCapacity: IndexType); procedure CheckIndex(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError {* checks the validity of the index and raises an exception if it is incorrect } function ItemSlot(anIndex: IndexType): PItemType; function ExpandSize(aTargetSize: IndexType): Cardinal; procedure CheckSetItem(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError {* Checks the validity of the index upon insert } protected // property methods procedure pm_SetCount(aValue: IndexType); function pm_GetCapacity: IndexType; procedure pm_SetCapacity(aValue: IndexType); function pm_GetItems(anIndex: IndexType): _ItemType_; procedure pm_SetItems(anIndex: IndexType; const aValue: _ItemType_); protected // overridden protected methods procedure Cleanup; override; {* The function of object fields cleaning. } public // public properties property Count: IndexType read f_Count write pm_SetCount; property Capacity: IndexType read pm_GetCapacity write pm_SetCapacity; property Items[anIndex: IndexType]: _ItemType_ read pm_GetItems write pm_SetItems; default; {* The items of the list. } end;//_List_ {$Else List_imp} // start class _List_ procedure _List_.ReAllocList(aNewCapacity: IndexType); //#UC START# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_var* var l_Cap : Integer; l_Cnt : Integer; //#UC END# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_impl* f_Data.SetSize(aNewCapacity * cItemSize); l_Cap := Self.Capacity; Assert(l_Cap >= aNewCapacity); l_Cnt := f_Count; if (l_Cap > l_Cnt) then System.FillChar(ItemSlot(l_Cnt)^, (l_Cap - l_Cnt) * cItemSize, 0); //#UC END# *51DEB8770017_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.ReAllocList procedure _List_.CheckIndex(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError //#UC START# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_var* procedure _Error; begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError + ' from (%d)', [anIndex, f_Count]) end; //#UC END# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_impl* if (anIndex < 0) or (anIndex >= f_Count) then _Error; //#UC END# *51DEB95E00BD_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.CheckIndex function _List_.ItemSlot(anIndex: IndexType): PItemType; //#UC START# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Result := PItemType(f_Data.AsPointer + anIndex * cItemSize); assert(Result <> nil); //#UC END# *51DEBE2D008A_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.ItemSlot function _List_.ExpandSize(aTargetSize: IndexType): Cardinal; //#UC START# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_var* const cIncrArray : array [0..3] of Integer = (64 * 1024, 1024, 128, 4); cMaxForTwice : Integer = 1 * 1024 * 1024; var I : Integer; //#UC END# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Assert(aTargetSize > 0); Result := aTargetSize; if (Result > cMaxForTwice) then // we do not double large arrays, but even them to 1 Mb Result := (aTargetSize div cMaxForTwice + 1) * cMaxForTwice else begin for I := 0 to High(cIncrArray) do if (aTargetSize > cIncrArray[I]) then begin Result := (aTargetSize div cIncrArray[I]) * cIncrArray[I] * 2; Break; end;//aTargetSize > cIncrArray[I] end;//Result > cMaxForTwic //#UC END# *51DEC11F0058_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.ExpandSize procedure _List_.CheckSetItem(anIndex: IndexType); // can raise EListError //#UC START# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_impl* CheckIndex(anIndex); //#UC END# *51DECAA8035E_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.CheckSetItem procedure _List_.pm_SetCount(aValue: IndexType); //#UC START# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_var* procedure SayBadCount(aNewCount: LongInt); begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(sListIndexError, [aNewCount]); end; var l_Ptr : PItemType; {$IfNDef l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} l_Index : Integer; {$EndIf l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} //#UC END# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* if (aValue < 0) then SayBadCount(aValue); if (aValue < f_Count) then begin l_Ptr := ItemSlot(aValue); {$IfDef l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} System.FillChar(l_Ptr^, (f_Count - 1 - aValue) * cItemSize, 0); {$Else l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} for l_Index := aValue to f_Count - 1 do begin FreeItem(l_Ptr^); Inc(PMem(l_Ptr), cItemSize); end;//for i {$EndIf l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} end//aValue < f_Count else if (aValue > Self.Capacity) then ReAllocList(ExpandSize(aValue)); if (f_Count < aValue) then System.FillChar(ItemSlot(f_Count)^, (aValue - f_Count) * cItemSize, 0); f_Count := aValue; //#UC END# *51DEB1ED0017_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* end;//_List_.pm_SetCount function _List_.pm_GetCapacity: IndexType; //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* Result := f_Data.GetSize div cItemSize; //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetCapacity procedure _List_.pm_SetCapacity(aValue: IndexType); //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_var* procedure SayBadCap(aNewCapacity: IndexType); begin raise EListError.CreateFmt(sListIndexError, [aNewCapacity]); end; //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* if (aValue < 0) then SayBadCap(aValue); if (pm_GetCapacity <> aValue) then begin { If the list is shrinking, then update _Count for the smaller size. } if (aValue < f_Count) then Count := aValue; ReAllocList(aValue); end;//GetCapacity(Self) <> aValue //#UC END# *51DEB20E0130_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* end;//_List_.pm_SetCapacity function _List_.pm_GetItems(anIndex: IndexType): _ItemType_; //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_var* //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* CheckIndex(anIndex); Result := ItemSlot(anIndex)^; //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4get_impl* end;//_List_.pm_GetItems procedure _List_.pm_SetItems(anIndex: IndexType; const aValue: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_var* {$IfNDef l3Items_IsAtomic} var l_P : PItemType; {$EndIf l3Items_IsAtomic} //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* CheckSetItem(anIndex); {$IfDef l3Items_IsAtomic} PItemType(ItemSlot(anIndex))^ := aValue; {$Else l3Items_IsAtomic} l_P := PItemType(ItemSlot(anIndex)); if not IsSame(l_P^, aValue) then begin FreeItem(l_P^); FillItem(l_P^, aValue); end;//not IsSame(l_P^, anItem) {$EndIf l3Items_IsAtomic} //#UC END# *51DECA1202C5_51DEB07E03E4set_impl* end;//_List_.pm_SetItems procedure _List_.Cleanup; //#UC START# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_var* //#UC END# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_var* begin //#UC START# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_impl* Count := 0; f_Data.SetSize(0); inherited; //#UC END# *479731C50290_51DEB07E03E4_impl* end;//_List_.Cleanup {$EndIf List_imp}
{$IfNDef UnrefcountedListPrim_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "UnrefcountedListPrim.imp.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: Impurity::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::STLLike::UnrefcountedListPrim // // The list of values without any reference counting // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define UnrefcountedListPrim_imp} {$Define l3Items_IsUnrefcounted} _List_Parent_ = _UnrefcountedListPrim_Parent_; {$Include List.imp.pas} _UnrefcountedListPrim_ = {mixin} class(_List_) {* The list of values without any reference counting } end;//_UnrefcountedListPrim_ {$Else UnrefcountedListPrim_imp} // start class _UnrefcountedListPrim_ function IsSame(const A: _ItemType_; const B: _ItemType_): Boolean; //#UC START# *51DECB820261_51DED02E0163_var* //#UC END# *51DECB820261_51DED02E0163_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECB820261_51DED02E0163_impl* Result := (A = B); //#UC END# *51DECB820261_51DED02E0163_impl* end;//IsSame type _List_R_ = _UnrefcountedListPrim_; {$Include List.imp.pas} {$EndIf UnrefcountedListPrim_imp}
{$IfNDef AtomicList_imp} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBox" // The unit: "AtomicList.imp.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: Impurity::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBox::STLLike::AtomicList // // The list of atomic values // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$Define AtomicList_imp} {$Define l3Items_IsAtomic} _UnrefcountedListPrim_Parent_ = _AtomicList_Parent_; {$Include UnrefcountedListPrim.imp.pas} _AtomicList_ = {mixin} class(_UnrefcountedListPrim_) {* The list of atomic values } end;//_AtomicList_ {$Else AtomicList_imp} // start class _AtomicList_ procedure FillItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_; const aFrom: _ItemType_); forward; procedure FreeItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DEC20B01D7_51DED48301D9_var* //#UC END# *51DEC20B01D7_51DED48301D9_var* begin //#UC START# *51DEC20B01D7_51DED48301D9_impl* thePlace := _ItemType_(0); //#UC END# *51DEC20B01D7_51DED48301D9_impl* end;//FreeItem procedure FillItem(var thePlace: _ItemType_; const aFrom: _ItemType_); //#UC START# *51DECB440087_51DED48301D9_var* //#UC END# *51DECB440087_51DED48301D9_var* begin //#UC START# *51DECB440087_51DED48301D9_impl* thePlace := aFrom; //#UC END# *51DECB440087_51DED48301D9_impl* end;//FillItem type _UnrefcountedListPrim_R_ = _AtomicList_; {$Include UnrefcountedListPrim.imp.pas} {$EndIf AtomicList_imp}
The code is here - http://sourceforge.net/p/rumtmarc/code-0/19/tree/trunk/Blogger/SandBox and http://sourceforge.net/p/rumtmarc/code-0/19/tree/trunk/Blogger/SandBoxTest
Containers 5. Encapsulation of the work with the memory. Part 1
Original in Russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/07/1.html
About containers. Table of contents
Now we shall allocate the work with the memory to a separate object - Tl3PtrLoc.
The model:
The source code - https://sourceforge.net/p/rumtmarc/code-0/17/tree/trunk/Blogger/STL.2/
About containers. Table of contents
Now we shall allocate the work with the memory to a separate object - Tl3PtrLoc.
The model:
The code:
unit l3MemUtils; // // The library "L3$Basic Concepts" // Generated from UML model, root element: SimpleClass::Class Shared Delphi Requirements to the low-level libraries::L3$Basic Concepts::MemoryUtils::Tl3MemUtils // interface uses Refcounted ; type Rl3MemUtils = class of Tl3MemUtils; Tl3MemUtils = class(TRefcounted) protected // protected methods class procedure CheckMaxes; virtual; {* The signature of the method CheckMaxes } class procedure StatMemAlloc(aSize: Integer; aL3: Boolean); virtual; public // public methods class procedure ReallocLocalMem(var P; NewSize: Cardinal); {* reallocate the piece of the local memory } class procedure FreeLocalMem(var P); {* free the piece of the local memory } end;//Tl3MemUtils var l3MemU : Rl3MemUtils = Tl3MemUtils; var f_LocalMemUsed : Integer; implementation uses l3MemorySizeUtils ; // start class Tl3MemUtils class procedure Tl3MemUtils.ReallocLocalMem(var P; NewSize: Cardinal); //#UC START# *51DD561502D9_51DD554C0205_var* //#UC END# *51DD561502D9_51DD554C0205_var* begin //#UC START# *51DD561502D9_51DD554C0205_impl* Dec(f_LocalMemUsed, l3MemorySize(Pointer(P))); {$IfDef l3DirectUseSystemMemManager} if (Pointer(P) = nil) then begin l3MemU.StatMemAlloc(NewSize, true); Pointer(P) := SysGetMem(NewSize) end//Pointer(P) = nil else if (NewSize > 0) then begin l3MemU.StatMemAlloc(NewSize, true); Pointer(P) := SysReallocMem(Pointer(P), NewSize); end//NewSize > 0 else begin SysFreeMem(Pointer(P)); Pointer(P) := nil; end;//NewSize > 0 {$Else l3DirectUseSystemMemManager} System.ReallocMem(Pointer(P), NewSize); {$EndIf l3DirectUseSystemMemManager} Inc(f_LocalMemUsed, l3MemorySize(Pointer(P))); l3MemU.CheckMaxes; //#UC END# *51DD561502D9_51DD554C0205_impl* end;//Tl3MemUtils.ReallocLocalMem class procedure Tl3MemUtils.FreeLocalMem(var P); //#UC START# *51DD62110253_51DD554C0205_var* //#UC END# *51DD62110253_51DD554C0205_var* begin //#UC START# *51DD62110253_51DD554C0205_impl* if (Pointer(P) <> nil) then begin Dec(f_LocalMemUsed, l3MemorySize(Pointer(P))); {$IfDef l3DirectUseSystemMemManager} SysFreeMem(Pointer(P)); {$Else l3DirectUseSystemMemManager} System.FreeMem(Pointer(P)); {$EndIf l3DirectUseSystemMemManager} end;//Pointer(P) <> nil Pointer(P) := nil; //#UC END# *51DD62110253_51DD554C0205_impl* end;//Tl3MemUtils.FreeLocalMem class procedure Tl3MemUtils.CheckMaxes; //#UC START# *51DD686A03A3_51DD554C0205_var* //#UC END# *51DD686A03A3_51DD554C0205_var* begin //#UC START# *51DD686A03A3_51DD554C0205_impl* // - for now we do nothing //#UC END# *51DD686A03A3_51DD554C0205_impl* end;//Tl3MemUtils.CheckMaxes class procedure Tl3MemUtils.StatMemAlloc(aSize: Integer; aL3: Boolean); //#UC START# *51DD6DCE00DF_51DD554C0205_var* //#UC END# *51DD6DCE00DF_51DD554C0205_var* begin //#UC START# *51DD6DCE00DF_51DD554C0205_impl* // - or now we do nothing //#UC END# *51DD6DCE00DF_51DD554C0205_impl* end;//Tl3MemUtils.StatMemAlloc end.
unit l3PtrLoc; // // The library "L3$Basic Concepts" // Generated from UML model, root element: UtilityPack::Class Shared Delphi Requirements to the low-level libraries::L3$Basic Concepts::MemoryUtils::l3PtrLoc // interface uses l3MemorySizeUtils ; type Tl3PtrLoc = {$IfDef XE4}record{$Else}object{$EndIf} private f_AsPointer : PMem; public function Init(aSize: Integer): Boolean; function GetSize: Integer; procedure SetSize(aSize: Integer); procedure Clear; function Read(anOfs: Integer; aBuf: PMem; aBufSize: Integer): Integer; function Write(anOfs: Integer; aBuf: PMem; aBufSize: Integer): Integer; public property AsPointer: PMem read f_AsPointer; end;//Tl3PtrLoc implementation uses l3MemUtils ; // start class Tl3PtrLoc function Tl3PtrLoc.Init(aSize: Integer): Boolean; //#UC START# *51DD5D1903C3_51DD567A01B5_var* //#UC END# *51DD5D1903C3_51DD567A01B5_var* begin //#UC START# *51DD5D1903C3_51DD567A01B5_impl* f_AsPointer := nil; SetSize(aSize); Result := (f_AsPointer <> nil); //#UC END# *51DD5D1903C3_51DD567A01B5_impl* end;//Tl3PtrLoc.Init function Tl3PtrLoc.GetSize: Integer; //#UC START# *51DD5D3800F3_51DD567A01B5_var* //#UC END# *51DD5D3800F3_51DD567A01B5_var* begin //#UC START# *51DD5D3800F3_51DD567A01B5_impl* Result := l3MemorySize(f_AsPointer); //#UC END# *51DD5D3800F3_51DD567A01B5_impl* end;//Tl3PtrLoc.GetSize procedure Tl3PtrLoc.SetSize(aSize: Integer); //#UC START# *51DD5D4F004A_51DD567A01B5_var* //#UC END# *51DD5D4F004A_51DD567A01B5_var* begin //#UC START# *51DD5D4F004A_51DD567A01B5_impl* if (aSize = 0) then l3MemU.FreeLocalMem(f_AsPointer) else if (GetSize < aSize) then begin // - previously it was <> - now I’ve decided to try not to reduce the size of the memory // so that not to produce defragmentation. if (aSize < 10) then l3MemU.ReallocLocalMem(f_AsPointer, aSize) else l3MemU.ReallocLocalMem(f_AsPointer, (aSize + $F) and $FFFFFFF0); end;//GetSize < aSize //#UC END# *51DD5D4F004A_51DD567A01B5_impl* end;//Tl3PtrLoc.SetSize procedure Tl3PtrLoc.Clear; //#UC START# *51DD5D6F0304_51DD567A01B5_var* //#UC END# *51DD5D6F0304_51DD567A01B5_var* begin //#UC START# *51DD5D6F0304_51DD567A01B5_impl* SetSize(0); //#UC END# *51DD5D6F0304_51DD567A01B5_impl* end;//Tl3PtrLoc.Clear function Tl3PtrLoc.Read(anOfs: Integer; aBuf: PMem; aBufSize: Integer): Integer; //#UC START# *51DD5E2203B0_51DD567A01B5_var* //#UC END# *51DD5E2203B0_51DD567A01B5_var* begin //#UC START# *51DD5E2203B0_51DD567A01B5_impl* Result := 0; Assert(false, 'Not implemented yet'); (* Result := Min(GetSize - anOfs, aBufSize); if (Result > 0) then l3Move((P + anOfs)^, aBuf^, Result) else Result := 0;*) //#UC END# *51DD5E2203B0_51DD567A01B5_impl* end;//Tl3PtrLoc.Read function Tl3PtrLoc.Write(anOfs: Integer; aBuf: PMem; aBufSize: Integer): Integer; //#UC START# *51DD5E5F02E1_51DD567A01B5_var* (*var OldSize : Integer; NewSize : Integer;*) //#UC END# *51DD5E5F02E1_51DD567A01B5_var* begin //#UC START# *51DD5E5F02E1_51DD567A01B5_impl* Result := 0; Assert(false, 'Not implemented yet'); (* OldSize := GetSize; NewSize := Ofs + BufSize; if (NewSize > OldSize) then SetSize(NewSize); Result := BufSize; l3Move(Buf^, (P + Ofs)^, Result);*) //#UC END# *51DD5E5F02E1_51DD567A01B5_impl* end;//Tl3PtrLoc.Write end.
The source code - https://sourceforge.net/p/rumtmarc/code-0/17/tree/trunk/Blogger/STL.2/
Containers 4. Encapsulation of the work with the memory. Part 0
Original in Russian: http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2013/07/0.html
About containers. Table of contents
I’d like to continue describing the containers in “STL style”.
Tthere I have used dynamic arrays.
In my REAL “micro-STL” I use direct work with the memory - GetMem/FreeMem.
That is why I want to start with how I work with the memory directly. Or rather how I’ve encapsulated the work with the memory in different facade functions/objects.
The first example is receiving the size of the memory piece. I have already told a bit here - http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2015/02/how-to-find-out-true-size-of-memory.html
And now I want to show how it is drawn on UML and how it is encapsulated in a separate unit.
At first – the model:
And the test.
The model:
The code:
Next, I hope, I’ll tell about the encapsulation GetMem/FreeMem/ReallocMem in "object" Tl3Ptr.
All sources are here - https://sourceforge.net/p/rumtmarc/code-0/15/tree/trunk/Blogger/STL.1/
About containers. Table of contents
I’d like to continue describing the containers in “STL style”.
Tthere I have used dynamic arrays.
In my REAL “micro-STL” I use direct work with the memory - GetMem/FreeMem.
That is why I want to start with how I work with the memory directly. Or rather how I’ve encapsulated the work with the memory in different facade functions/objects.
The first example is receiving the size of the memory piece. I have already told a bit here - http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2015/02/how-to-find-out-true-size-of-memory.html
And now I want to show how it is drawn on UML and how it is encapsulated in a separate unit.
At first – the model:
And the code:
l3MemorySizeUtilsPrim.pas: unit l3MemorySizeUtilsPrim; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "L3$Basic Concepts" // The unit: "w:/common/components/rtl/L3/l3MemorySizeUtilsPrim.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: UtilityPack::Class Shared Delphi Requirements to the low-level libraries::L3$Basic Concepts::MemoryUtils::l3MemorySizeUtilsPrim // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ! Fully generated from the model. It is not allowed to edit manually. ! interface type Tl3MemorySizeFunc = function (aPtr: Pointer): Integer; {$If not defined(XE)} function L3MemorySizeDelphi7(aPtr: Pointer): Integer; {* function to get the size of the memory piece } {$IfEnd} //not XE {$If defined(XE)} function L3MemorySizeXE(aPtr: Pointer): Integer; {* function to get the size of the memory piece } {$IfEnd} //XE implementation uses l3MemorySizeUtils ; // unit methods {$If not defined(XE)} function L3MemorySizeDelphi7(aPtr: Pointer): Integer; //#UC START# *51DAD8DC00B2_51DADE55035E_var* const cThisUsedFlag = 2; cPrevFreeFlag = 1; cFillerFlag = Integer($80000000); cFlags = cThisUsedFlag or cPrevFreeFlag or cFillerFlag; type PUsed = ^TUsed; TUsed = packed record sizeFlags: Integer; end;//TUsed //#UC END# *51DAD8DC00B2_51DADE55035E_var* begin //#UC START# *51DAD8DC00B2_51DADE55035E_impl* if (aPtr = nil) then Result := 0 else Result := PUsed(PMem(aPtr)-SizeOf(TUsed)).sizeFlags and not cFlags - sizeof(TUsed); // Result := (PLong(Long(aP) - 4)^ AND not cFlags) - 4; //#UC END# *51DAD8DC00B2_51DADE55035E_impl* end;//L3MemorySizeDelphi7 {$IfEnd} //not XE {$If defined(XE)} function L3MemorySizeXE(aPtr: Pointer): Integer; //#UC START# *51DADA9600F9_51DADE55035E_var* const {----------------------------Block type flags---------------------------} {The lower 3 bits in the dword header of small blocks (4 bits in medium and large blocks) are used as flags to indicate the state of the block} {Set if the block is not in use} IsFreeBlockFlag = 1; {Set if this is a medium block} IsMediumBlockFlag = 2; {Set if it is a medium block being used as a small block pool. Only valid if IsMediumBlockFlag is set.} IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag = 4; {Set if it is a large block. Only valid if IsMediumBlockFlag is not set.} IsLargeBlockFlag = 4; {Is the medium block preceding this block available?} PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag = 8; {Is this large block segmented? I.e. is it actually built up from more than one chunk allocated through VirtualAlloc? (Only used by large blocks.)} LargeBlockIsSegmented = 8; {The flags masks for small blocks} DropSmallFlagsMask = -8; ExtractSmallFlagsMask = 7; {The flags masks for medium and large blocks} DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask = -16; ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask = 15; {------------------------------Private types------------------------------} type {Move procedure type} TMoveProc = procedure(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: NativeInt); {-----------------------Small block structures--------------------------} {Pointer to the header of a small block pool} PSmallBlockPoolHeader = ^TSmallBlockPoolHeader; {Small block type (Size = 32 bytes for 32-bit, 64 bytes for 64-bit).} PSmallBlockType = ^TSmallBlockType; TSmallBlockType = record {True = Block type is locked} BlockTypeLocked: Boolean; {Bitmap indicating which of the first 8 medium block groups contain blocks of a suitable size for a block pool.} AllowedGroupsForBlockPoolBitmap: Byte; {The block size for this block type} BlockSize: Word; {The minimum and optimal size of a small block pool for this block type} MinimumBlockPoolSize: Word; OptimalBlockPoolSize: Word; {The first partially free pool for the given small block. This field must be at the same offset as TSmallBlockPoolHeader.NextPartiallyFreePool.} NextPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; {The last partially free pool for the small block type. This field must be at the same offset as TSmallBlockPoolHeader.PreviousPartiallyFreePool.} PreviousPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; {The offset of the last block that was served sequentially. The field must be at the same offset as TSmallBlockPoolHeader.FirstFreeBlock.} NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress: Pointer; {The last block that can be served sequentially.} MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress: Pointer; {The pool that is current being used to serve blocks in sequential order} CurrentSequentialFeedPool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines} {The fixed size move procedure used to move data for this block size when it is upsized. When a block is downsized (which usually does not occur that often) the variable size move routine is used.} UpsizeMoveProcedure: TMoveProc; {$else} Reserved1: Pointer; {$endif} {$if SizeOf(Pointer) = 8} {Pad to 64 bytes for 64-bit} Reserved2: Pointer; {$ifend} end; {Small block pool (Size = 32 bytes for 32-bit, 48 bytes for 64-bit).} TSmallBlockPoolHeader = record {BlockType} BlockType: PSmallBlockType; {$if SizeOf(Pointer) <> 8} {Align the next fields to the same fields in TSmallBlockType and pad this structure to 32 bytes for 32-bit} Reserved1: Cardinal; {$ifend} {The next and previous pool that has free blocks of this size. Do not change the position of these two fields: They must be at the same offsets as the fields in TSmallBlockType of the same name.} NextPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; PreviousPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; {Pointer to the first free block inside this pool. This field must be at the same offset as TSmallBlockType.NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress.} FirstFreeBlock: Pointer; {The number of blocks allocated in this pool.} BlocksInUse: Cardinal; {Small block pool signature. Used by the leak checking mechanism to determine whether a medium block is a small block pool or a regular medium block.} SmallBlockPoolSignature: Cardinal; {The pool pointer and flags of the first block} FirstBlockPoolPointerAndFlags: NativeUInt; end; {Small block layout: At offset -SizeOf(Pointer) = Flags + address of the small block pool. At offset BlockSize - SizeOf(Pointer) = Flags + address of the small block pool for the next small block. } {------------------------Medium block structures------------------------} {The medium block pool from which medium blocks are drawn. Size = 16 bytes for 32-bit and 32 bytes for 64-bit.} PMediumBlockPoolHeader = ^TMediumBlockPoolHeader; TMediumBlockPoolHeader = record {Points to the previous and next medium block pools. This circular linked list is used to track memory leaks on program shutdown.} PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; NextMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; {Padding} Reserved1: NativeUInt; {The block size and flags of the first medium block in the block pool} FirstMediumBlockSizeAndFlags: NativeUInt; end; {Medium block layout: Offset: -2 * SizeOf(Pointer) = Previous Block Size (only if the previous block is free) Offset: -SizeOf(Pointer) = This block size and flags Offset: 0 = User data / Previous Free Block (if this block is free) Offset: SizeOf(Pointer) = Next Free Block (if this block is free) Offset: BlockSize - 2*SizeOf(Pointer) = Size of this block (if this block is free) Offset: BlockSize - SizeOf(Pointer) = Size of the next block and flags {A medium block that is unused} PMediumFreeBlock = ^TMediumFreeBlock; TMediumFreeBlock = record PreviousFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock; NextFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock; end; {-------------------------Large block structures------------------------} {Large block header record (Size = 16 for 32-bit, 32 for 64-bit)} PLargeBlockHeader = ^TLargeBlockHeader; TLargeBlockHeader = record {Points to the previous and next large blocks. This circular linked list is used to track memory leaks on program shutdown.} PreviousLargeBlockHeader: PLargeBlockHeader; NextLargeBlockHeader: PLargeBlockHeader; {The user allocated size of the Large block} UserAllocatedSize: NativeUInt; {The size of this block plus the flags} BlockSizeAndFlags: NativeUInt; end; {---------------------------Private constants-----------------------------} const {The size of the block header in front of small and medium blocks} BlockHeaderSize = SizeOf(Pointer); {The size of a small block pool header} SmallBlockPoolHeaderSize = SizeOf(TSmallBlockPoolHeader); {The size of a medium block pool header} MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize = SizeOf(TMediumBlockPoolHeader); {The size of the header in front of Large blocks} LargeBlockHeaderSize = SizeOf(TLargeBlockHeader); (* {This memory manager} ThisMemoryManager: TMemoryManagerEx = ( GetMem: SysGetMem; FreeMem: SysFreeMem; ReallocMem: SysReallocMem; AllocMem: SysAllocMem; RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak: SysRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak; UnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak: SysUnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak); *) var lBlockHeader: Cardinal; LPSmallBlockType: PSmallBlockType; LOldAvailableSize: Cardinal; //#UC END# *51DADA9600F9_51DADE55035E_var* begin //#UC START# *51DADA9600F9_51DADE55035E_impl* if (aPtr = nil) then Result := 0 else begin {Get the block header: Is it actually a small block?} LBlockHeader := PNativeUInt(PByte(aPtr) - BlockHeaderSize)^; {Is it a small block that is in use?} if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsMediumBlockFlag or IsLargeBlockFlag) = 0 then begin {----------------------------Small block------------------------------} {The block header is a pointer to the block pool: Get the block type} LPSmallBlockType := PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LBlockHeader).BlockType; {Get the available size inside blocks of this type.} Result := LPSmallBlockType.BlockSize - BlockHeaderSize; end else begin {Is this a medium block or a large block?} if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsLargeBlockFlag) = 0 then begin Result:= (LBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - BlockHeaderSize; end else begin {Is this a valid large block?} if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsMediumBlockFlag) = 0 then begin {-----------------------Large block------------------------------} {Get the block header} //LBlockHeader := PNativeUInt(PByte(aP) - BlockHeaderSize)^; {Subtract the overhead to determine the useable size in the large block.} Result := (LBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - (LargeBlockHeaderSize + BlockHeaderSize); end else begin {-----------------------Invalid block------------------------------} {Bad pointer: probably an attempt to reallocate a free memory block.} Result := 0; assert(false); end; end; end; end; //#UC END# *51DADA9600F9_51DADE55035E_impl* end;//L3MemorySizeXE {$IfEnd} //XE end. ------ l3MemorySizeUtils.pas: unit l3MemorySizeUtils; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "L3$Basic Concepts" // The unit: "w:/common/components/rtl/L3/l3MemorySizeUtils.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: UtilityPack::Class Shared Delphi Requirements to the low-level libraries::L3$Basic Concepts::MemoryUtils::l3MemorySizeUtils // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ! Fully generated from the model. It is not allowed to edit manually. ! interface uses l3MemorySizeUtilsPrim ; type PMem = System.PANSIChar; {$If not defined(XE)} var l3MemorySize : Tl3MemorySizeFunc = L3MemorySizeDelphi7; {* function to get the size of the memory piece} {$IfEnd} //not XE {$If defined(XE)} var l3MemorySize : Tl3MemorySizeFunc = L3MemorySizeXE; {* function to get the size of the memory piece} {$IfEnd} //XE implementation end.
And the test.
The model:
The code:
unit MemorySizeTest; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The library "SandBoxTest" // The unit: "w:/common/components/rtl/SandBox/MemorySizeTest.pas" // Native Delphi interfaces (.pas) // Generated from UML model, root element: TestCase::Class Shared Delphi Sand Box::SandBoxTest::Memory::MemorySizeTest // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ! Fully generated from the model. It is not allowed to edit manually. ! interface {$If defined(nsTest)} uses BaseTest ; {$IfEnd} //nsTest {$If defined(nsTest)} type TMemorySizeTest = class(TBaseTest) protected // overridden protected methods function GetFolder: AnsiString; override; {* The folder containing the test } function GetModelElementGUID: AnsiString; override; {* The model element identifier that describes the test } published // published methods procedure DoIt; end;//TMemorySizeTest {$IfEnd} //nsTest implementation {$If defined(nsTest)} uses l3MemorySizeUtils, SysUtils, TestFrameWork ; {$IfEnd} //nsTest {$If defined(nsTest)} // start class TMemorySizeTest procedure TMemorySizeTest.DoIt; //#UC START# *51DAE7030012_51DAE6E20300_var* var l_Index : Integer; l_Size : Integer; l_RealSize : Integer; l_P : Pointer; //#UC END# *51DAE7030012_51DAE6E20300_var* begin //#UC START# *51DAE7030012_51DAE6E20300_impl* for l_Index := 1 to 4 * 1024 do begin l_Size := l_Index * 2; System.GetMem(l_P, l_Size); try l_RealSize := l3MemorySize(l_P); Check(l_RealSize >= l_Size, Format('We have allocated %d. It has been allocated %d.', [l_Size, l_RealSize])); finally System.FreeMem(l_P); end;//try..finally end;//form l_Index //#UC END# *51DAE7030012_51DAE6E20300_impl* end;//TMemorySizeTest.DoIt function TMemorySizeTest.GetFolder: AnsiString; {-} begin Result := 'Memory'; end;//TMemorySizeTest.GetFolder function TMemorySizeTest.GetModelElementGUID: AnsiString; {-} begin Result := '51DAE6E20300'; end;//TMemorySizeTest.GetModelElementGUID {$IfEnd} //nsTest initialization TestFramework.RegisterTest(TMemorySizeTest.Suite); end.
Next, I hope, I’ll tell about the encapsulation GetMem/FreeMem/ReallocMem in "object" Tl3Ptr.
All sources are here - https://sourceforge.net/p/rumtmarc/code-0/15/tree/trunk/Blogger/STL.1/